
Join the Own Your Money mission:

To transform the way people think, feel and act about money to provide hope and direction for individuals, couples and families.

We have helped thousands of people discover how “owning your money” creates certainty, security, and the life of financial success they deserve.  Own Your Money make personal finance and money management rewarding, fun, and profitable.  Our ability to inspire action in others is fueled by our passion for helping people appreciate their self-worth and realize their financial goals.

We bring real-world knowledge, financial expertise and skills to help you take control of your finances for an exceptional sense of freedom.  By serving as a combination of a financial therapist and a business coach, we free you from your emotional blocks with money and provide you a step-by-step approach so you are motivated and empowered to spend smarter, stress less, and make more money.

Own Your Money helps you think big, take risks and make the journey fun. With courses and one-to-one coaching, we are a must-have financial resource, aiding people in finding the stability in really owning their money- and their life- so that it doesn’t own them.