Learn the STEP-BY-STEP system to overcome the REAL REASONS why you haven’t yet achieved the financial success, security, or peace of mind you want from your money—so you can earn what you’re worth, feel worthy of greater wealth,
and rev up the money flow to you.

Let’s get real here about how you really feel about money.
Is this you…?

You would like to easily pay for your children’s college, your retirement, and vacations, without changing your lifestyle–but keep putting off starting to boost your savings?

You sometimes feel stuck in inertia, avoidance, or denial, with a hunch that “something” is blocking you.

You are ready to get off the monthly routine of just “getting by,” especially since you are making good (or great) money each month.

You wonder why you can’t seem to hold onto or accumulate much money, despite trying to be positive or use affirmations.

You are concerned that you’re in your own way when it comes to better money management…and not sure what to do about it.

If any of the above ring true, then I want you to join me to learn how to shift all that to instead start Making Money Flow to you and for you—consistently.

If you are totally content to live in this mediocrity, stuck in your potential, and running the hamster wheel day in and day out, then you can exit out of this page now.

HOWEVER, this program IS for enlightened individuals like you who understand that, while potential can be frustrating and tiring, realizing your passion and power can bring you more joy, lightness, and yes, of course, money too.

Here’s the especially interesting part:

Your current success, or lack thereof, could have NOTHING
to do with how much money you make, where you work, or
what you sell.

It could have everything to do with your entire relationship to money. This includes your beliefs (about money, wealth, and worthiness), fears, attitudes, judgments, resentments, self-image, and the sabotaging should‘s.

All of these characteristics of your relationship to money contribute to your behaviors and ability to attract and generate real sustainable wealth.

But…instead of looking in the mirror like this cat and feeling like a lion, you may instead be feeling like a mouse—trapped and not sure how to proceed.

It’s as if your past is running your present and hindering your future success.

It’s really not your fault.

There are several strong forces that have helped to create your current relationship to money—many of which you have absolutely no control over.

One of the absolute strongest is how you grew up with money. What did you see your parents do or not do? What did you hear or see growing up when it came to money or accumulating wealth? How has that affected your own approach to money? Do you feel worthy of earning and keeping money?

When you were quiet young, you formed your earliest conclusions about money. Now, as a grown-up, you are likely continuing to live those out.

Compound that with the fact that your brain has been pre-programmed to keep you safe, comfortable, and lazy, and it is no wonder that you never stepped out of your comfort zone to change your relationship to money.

Consciously creating a positive relationship to money—and learning the how’s of better money management—are skills that very few people ever directly learn.

Yes, 99% of current financial education is missing the mark.

Consider this: There is no lack of available money tips, strategies, and online tools available. Yet, the average credit card debt per household (with credit card debt) carries a balance of almost $16,000 on 3.5 cards with an average APR on those cards of 13.10 percent.

Guess how long it will take this average household to pay off their debt? 404 months! And you would have paid an additional $18,123 in interest. That’s over 33 years paying the minimum of 2% ($316/month).

So…although there are hundreds of tools out there, they are not being implemented by millions of people just like you and me.

After extensive research and discussions, the answer became clear to me. If you don’t address your underlying relationship to money, you will naturally let your upbringing, brain programming, and other factors from your past sabotage your savings.

The good news is this:
You are NOT alone, and I can help you…

Instead of feeling stuck in overwhelm, know that there are straightforward—no “B.S.”—solutions to immediately change your relationship to money and start to flow of money to you immediately.

And I am exactly the right person to share those solutions with you.

There was a time in my not-so-distant past that I lacked self-esteem in myself and especially with money. Compound that with a fundamental fear and avoidance of money, and I can assure you my money owned me. I felt limited and controlled by my beliefs about money—and I only knew how to continue in my small status quo existence.

So when I was more committed to playing small and safe, I was completely blocked and literally couldn’t even see what was in front of me.

It was only once I met the right mentors, changed my strong non-supportive beliefs, and opened myself to all of the abundance that I truly deserved in my life, then and only then the new opportunities seemed to start “showing up” in my life.

Those new “opportunities” included founding my first business of OwnYourMoney.com (now well over six-figures and growing rapidly) and meeting my soulmate (now my husband of over a year). Just like I now teach you to shift your own beliefs about money, I had to shift my own beliefs first.

As T. Harv Eker says, “How you do anything is how you do everything.” So once I shifted my beliefs with money, it was as if an entire new world opened up. Now I held the key to my own success. Woohoo!

If you are ready to radically transform your relationship to money to one of ease, abundance, and peace, you will absolutely love my brand new training program…


But what if you’ve already tried
“thinking positive” or saying affirmations?

Great! You are already on your way. Here’s where you may be getting stuck…

Although you are consciously saying positive things or trying to think positive, it is a little like putting whipped cream on a pie made of mud. Once you cut into your mud pie, it’s still mud and tastes terrible.

The solution you’ve been missing is taking out the mud and replacing it with yummy, delicious filling. Then, once you put whipped cream on it, you can take a bite and enjoy every minute of the tasty experience.

Otherwise, you are basically lying to yourself. Your true self continues to believe the deeper non-supportive beliefs and fears, and completely discounts any of the positive thoughts you may be trying to layer on.

Consider this: How would you feel if you were severely ill and went to the hospital, but then your doctor only treated the symptoms and never diagnosed the underlying problem? You would leave the hospital still sick, plus you may be feeling even more frustrated from the experience as you reached out for help yet your situation is not improved.

Is this like all the other “Law of Attraction” and
“Abundance” teaching out there?

No. Like everything I do, this comes from a very practical, grounded, and no B.S. approach to money and wealth. Having said that, you get every ounce of my compassion, love, joy, and understanding to hold your hand as you move through your money past and confidently, powerfully, and willingly take control of your finances—starting today.

To do this, I’ve divided up the process into 4 categories, or “modules,” and here is a sneak peek:

Module 1: Identify The “B.S.” In Your Way

The first step to getting out of your own way is to recognize the real and present blocks that are currently in your way. Imagine you are now walking through a pitch black room. You can’t see a thing. You try walking around and you are bumping into things, knocking things over, and getting bruised.

If only you knew how or where to turn on the light…well, today is your lucky day! I will show you exactly how to flip the switch to recognize what and why you have been in the dark and what you can do about it. You will:

  • Recognize the #1 single source of almost all your financial problems.
  • Uncover the beliefs and behaviors that are keeping you from getting the most out of your income.
  • Learn a vital step that many people miss when pursuing success—financial or otherwise (skip this and you’re practically guaranteed not to see results).
  • Identify what your “B.S.” is and what you can do about it.
  • Discover the 13 very good reasons why you may be avoiding taking responsibility for your money, and what the impact is.
  • Understand the first step required to joyfully claim responsibility and play a bigger game.
  • Source your triggers so you can stop over-reacting to all challenging money-related activities

DETAILED MONEY BELIEF CHECKLIST AND TEMPLATE: This detailed checklist and template will help you to determine the exact beliefs and money history that has been blocking your true wealth and success. You’ll be amazed at the immediate “a-ha’s” as you complete this step.


Module 2: Release Your Fears and Reboot Your
Brain With A New Million Dollar Mindset

You are living into your story and your beliefs about yourself. Either that has been helping you or hindering you. Now is the time to better understand and then reframe your beliefs created from that story so that they serve to inspire you and move you forward, instead of hold you back and keep you playing small. The scarcity mindset may feel very comfortable—but it is a choice. Once you learn how to choose something different, you will be amazed at the flow you start to open up.

In this rock-your-world module, you will discover:

  • How to source your “worrier” story and learn how to replace it with a new “warrior” story.
  • The baby steps to apply if you find yourself disbelieving your new empowering warrior story.
  • What is not and what is within your control—and how freeing understanding this difference can be.
  • The choice you make moment-to-moment that determines your happiness, peace, and security.
  • Why you could use a good “brain wash.”
  • How fear has been holding you back and what you can do about that.
  • 3 strategies to replace your sabotaging self-talk.
  • What it takes for you to turn on your money mojo

TRANSFORM YOUR SELF-TALK TEMPLATE: Use this easy-template to identify and replace your sabotaging self-talk.

CREATE YOUR WARRIOR STORY TEMPLATE: Use this step-by-step approach to detail your current “worrier” story and transform it into a new “warrior” story.


Module 3: Think Bigger To Make Realizing Your Inspiration A Must

Most people think too small, then get it and believe that is all there is to life. That is just not so! Now is your time to connect with a much deeper level and bigger vision of your own inspiration and all that you can be, do and have in this lifetime.

You do what is a must in your life—so learn the tools to make realizing your financial dreams and inspiration a must. In this important module, you’ll discover:

  • What it takes to think bigger, why you haven’t done it so far, and what happens when you don’t
  • Uncover the “why” of wealth for you and the power in truly feeling and believing your inspiration for wealth (Is it a home, funding education, financial security in retirement, donations to your favorite charity, an incredible vacation, a beautiful wedding,… or true financial peace of mind?)
  • A step-by-step system to bring ease and abundance to your entire life, especially with money.
  • The insidious nature of complaining and what to do about this natural tendency.
  • How to recognize opportunities in your life, and why you may have been passing by money-making occasions every day
  • The difference between visualizations that work and the ones that don’t—and what it takes to consistently create visualizations that bring you the awesome life you want to create.
  • How to enjoy life outside your comfort zone, despite any fear or challenge that may have gotten in your way in the past.

I.D.E.A. SYSTEM TEMPLATE: Walk step-by-step through the I.D.E.A. system for yourself to bring greater ease, confidence, and commitment to your financial goals and dreams.


Module 4: Talk About Money In An Empowered Way

Believing in yourself and getting in the flow of abundance is crucial. You’re there! Staying in the flow and being able to articulate your power in the world is the next step to create sustainable change and financial power. Once you complete this module, you are well on your way to realizing your financial dreams. In this module, I share with you:

  • How to “be” in conversations about money–and how not to be!
  • Why financial infidelity is rampant and how not to become a victim of it.
  • How to turn on your “attraction factor.”
  • The daily practices to keep you in the money flow.
  • How to bring mindfulness to everything you think, feel and do with money, wealth, and worthiness.
  • When and how you can complete the steps that you were avoiding because of low self-esteem with money, including raising your rates/talking with your boss, tracking your money, and changing your spending habits.
  • How money likes to be treated to ensure you continue your new positive relationship to money for years to come.
  • What it takes to shift and empower how you are in all of your relationships based on the learning in this program.

TALKING MONEY TEMPLATE: Detailed Do’s and Don’ts so you can easily and powerfully talk about money. Your language has power and energy—know how to turn it on to help you become the empowered communicator you are meant to be.


I’m ready to be rich!

“I had such an “aha” moment on how I unconsciously thought about money… I now know that I can be rich, deserve to be rich, and will be rich, and even have the tools and team to get started!”- Sherrie, entrepreneur


Creates new wealth consciousness!

Stefan shares the quantum wealth consciousness shift in his life. He shares his before and after story. From the “not enough, place of fear” to his now “it’s all about wealth” and “it’s coming to me”. The unintended consequences are even more surprising, and he even tells what it felt like to write the initial check.
It is remarkable and inspiring to hear how he freed himself from the “shackles of poverty.”

Because I want to make sure that you complete this program with an entirely new and improved money mindset, attitude, and energy to create an awesome life with money, I’m also adding:


Q&A Session

You will receive access to a bonus audio of the original live Making Money Flow Q&A Call during which you can listen in on questions from real people like you and answers provided by Belinda.

Many of my students say that these sessions are their favorite because they learn SO MUCH from listening to other people’s questions and situations.


Money Flow Breakthrough Call

Belinda has worked with many other busy successful people helping them fast-track their financial independence by addressing the #1 issue preventing you from paying off debt, cushioning your bank account, or taking that extra vacation this year with an extra $500-$1000 in your pocket each month–and now I am going to share my secrets with you.

We will discuss how your fears, beliefs, and story have been stopping you, and what you can immediately do to get into action to ensure you choose a new path to open up the flow of money, wealth and worthiness direct to you.

Note: This Bonus is only available with participation in the live program or if this home study program has been purchased as a part of a larger package that includes this special 1-1 call.


Private Forum to Ask Questions and Stay Motivated

You will have access to a special on-line forum reserved for “Making Money” series participants. This forum allows you to share your questions and hear from both your peers and from me directly on what works, what doesn’t work, and how you can keep up your new positive relationship with money.


Building My Own Self-Worth!

“I’ve always owned my business and my passion to teach, but I’m realizing that my self-worth for my skill set was neglected until I met with Belinda from OYM. We appreciated the expert guidance with a humane touch with what we needed to do—and the sounding board you gave me and my team. We absolutely see ongoing value over the next 1-5 years for us, and we look forward to working with OYM in the future!”

~ Amy Gordon, Plymouth, MA


This process is a must for you!

“Belinda’s courses should be a requirement for anyone with a bank account.”

~ K.C. Commoss


Q: What is the home study program about?

A: A STEP-BY-STEP system to overcome the REAL REASONS why you haven’t yet achieved the financial success, security, or peace of mind you want from your money—so you can earn what you’re worth, feel worthy of greater wealth, and rev up the money flow to you.

Q: What if I’m scared that I won’t follow-through?
A: As a recovering avoider, I can relate to this one…and because of that, I personally, plus all of the awesome folks in the group, will be with you through the entire program. You even get a 1-1 call with me during the program to confidentially work through your own fears, beliefs, and story. Plus, each teleclass is supported with easy-to-use templates, forms, and strategies to facilitate your progress and transformation.

Q: What if I have questions between the modules as I complete the action steps?
A: You’ll have access to an exclusive forum so you can share your questions and hear from both your peers and from Belinda directly on what works, what doesn’t work, and how you can keep simplifying your money management.

Are you wondering how much this investment is?

I’ve spent thousands of dollars myself learning how to personally breakthrough my own limitations to success and wealth, and then created a step-by-step process to help clients do the same.

My private clients invest thousands of dollars with ME when I directly hold their hand in the darkness to find the light that is their true power with money.

This direct 1-1 work has been transformational, and I have made a personal decision to share these strategies, tools, and techniques with a lot more people–because you deserve it!

I want you to enjoy money in your life, not be afraid of it. To own it—not just have it. To allow your own worthiness and wealth to help you become the person you are meant to be.

For these reasons, the entire Making Money Flow Home Study Program is $697. I’ve been told that this program is a real “steal” at this price given the value delivered and the new high-dollar money-making opportunities that this program will open you up to, but I really want to keep the price manageable so that you can take part, if you are finally ready to shed any low self-esteem with wealth to create a new relationship with your money.

Each module’s audio will include high-value content, interactive exercises, and action steps to realize, reframe, and reshape your entire approach and relationship to money. The choice to get started is yours, so get ready for this information (and transformation)-packed course!

When you order the “Making Money Flow” Home Study Program, you’ll receive:

1. 4 MP3 Audios with me, Belinda Rosenblum, walking you through the exact strategies, tools, and techniques that you need to shift your money mindset and relationship to money.

2. A Q&A Audio for another 90 minutes—all customized for you—where you’ll hear me answer participants’ questions, LIVE and in real time!

3. DETAILED DOWNLOADABLE GUIDES for every call, including real-life templates, forms, and strategies that are working for real people like you every day.

4. CDs of all Modules (if you purchase the hard copy upgrade) & MP3 RECORDINGS of all modules, so you can listen to them over and over on your computer, iPod, or other MP3 player.

5. PDF TRANSCRIPTS of all calls, so you can read through them whenever necessary, or to look up a specific point quickly. (NEW BENEFIT)

I want you to be MORE than satisfied with the information delivered in this program. I’m giving you 30 days to test-drive the program. If for some reason this course doesn’t meet your expectations, we’ll send you questions to prove that you’ve been participating in the program. Assuming you answer the questions correctly within the 30 day period, just ask me for a refund up to 30 days from the Start Date of your course. You have my word on it!


Completely turned my thinking inside out…spectacular!!!

“OMG, this woman is really spectacular! She totally lifted my spirits and I realized I AM in the poverty mentality, not just for me but for all others in my world too. I’m so worried that others can’t pay my rates, even the wealthy ones and I undervalue my gifts. YIKES. Total reality check. Belinda completely turned my thinking inside out and expanded my vision to limitless. As always it’s up to me (and the team) but I feel so much better. Belinda is such a gift. Thank you.”

~Jackie Van Dusen, Light Soul Therapy


I relate to my whole life with a fresh new perspective!”

“My outlook around money has changed drastically. I now know that I can be free of debt, have great credit and become wealthy far sooner than 20 years down the road. I thought my work with Belinda would just be about money… What a valuable bonus to now relate to my whole life with a fresh new perspective!”

~Claudia Thompson



P.S. This is one of the best courses I’ve ever created. (I’ll be sharing some of my never-released secrets to transforming your entire mindset, feelings to money, and relationship with wealth!) You’ll be referring to this information for months and years to come as you head into the world with a new perspective on the entire subject of money, wealth, and worthiness. Wow, won’t that be refreshing? Don’t miss out though!

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average attendee/purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

Copyright © 2015 Own Your Money, Inc.