So, your biz is growing – but you still aren’t paying yourself enough?

Grow a more profitable business

Without feeling stressed, working more, or crispy you’re so close to burnout. 

In 90 days, you will:

  • Finally be the “with-it” owner who knows her money stuff and leads a business she loves AND loves her right back
  • Create a lineup of offers that are so dialed in they run themselves and bring in the extra income you’ve been craving
  • Build a profit plan that’s so secure you live without fear, stress, burnout and that twitchy-eye panic


Just ‘making more money’ won’t solve your profit problems. 

Here’s what happens in just 90 days when you become a Cash Flow CEO:

1. Get Past Your ‘Money Stuff’

Mindset is key, but it’s nothing if you don’t take action.

Get to the source of your current money story and flip the script. Start believing in your new reality and make the right money moves because you know they’ll pay off.

2. Create a System That WORKS

No more flying by the seat of your pants! 

Get organized and create a system to manage your business spending so it doesn’t feel like your cash flow is a wild roller coaster you can’t control.

3. Follow a Strategic Plan

Align your offers, rates, and messaging and create a solid profit plan.

Know exactly which buttons to push to hit those revenue goals - including paying yourself what you deserve.

Your business should give you freedom!

This is your chance to…


Beth Made 116% More Revenue in ONE Quarter Than in the Entire Previous Year

I got to understand my numbers, not be scared of them, evaluate what I needed in terms of team, and what I needed to step into being the Cash Flow CEO of my business. I hired five new team members, and promoted two others. My enrollment numbers are up 18% and my revenue is up 198% over last year. In the last quarter alone, I made 116% more revenue than all of last year.”

~Beth Ellen, Online Academy Owner

Does any of this sound familiar?

“I’m not making the kind of money I want in my business.”

I don’t know if I have what it takes to run a ‘real’ business.”

What if my success was just a fluke? And that it won’t continue?”

“It’s getting harder and harder to land clients. Should I lower my prices?

“I wish I could pay myself more, but I don’t want to work more.”

I’m embarrassed by my business finances. I don’t want anybody to see the messy spots -- or the debt!

If it seems like I’m reading your mind… 

It’s because these are the exact things women business owners share with me every day.

You’re not alone. And it’s not your fault. 

Here’s why…

Here’s the problem…

You’ve been led to believe a lot of myths about money and how easy it should be to grow a successful online business.

Raise your hand if you’ve heard the “business experts” drop these gems:

"Just make more money! That’ll solve everything."

"Try Profit First or hire a bookkeeper, or use any other money management system."

"You just need a better budget because reducing spending is the only way to increase your profits."

"Just hustle harder. You’re obviously not marketing enough."

“Your mindset is the problem — you just need to believe that you can earn more."

"All you need is a great 'funnel' and you'll have more passive income than you know what to do with."

Spoiler alert: It doesn’t work like that.

Here’s the thing: These are all harmful lies about money that lead to even more stress and burnout.

And what happens when you buy into the lies?

You work way too hard and pay yourself too little. Sometimes, you skip a paycheck because everyone else has to get paid first…

You want to raise your prices, change your offers, or make a major pivot. But you don’t want to lose clients or break your current business…

You’re doing “okay” in your business, but it’s not enough. You want MORE money and impact…

You have pie-in-the-sky goals without a clear plan to achieve them. Besides, you’re too busy with clients to even take lunch most days — let alone make a plan…

You’re terrified to look too closely at your numbers. Maybe if you ignore them, the problems will magically go away…

The worst part? 

The freedom you dreamed about when you started your business feels more out of reach every day.

There is another way to run your business. And it doesn’t have to be complicated or stressful.

You deserve a better way — one that puts more money in your pocket and gives you more free time.

I’ll share exactly how to do that… but first, let’s dream a little…

Fast Forward to 90 Days from Today...

Imagine How It Will Feel to Take Control of Your Money, Your Time, and Your Future

Everything has changed in your business and now:

You know YOUR unique sparkle and you’re not shy expressing it. You charge what your offers are really worth without blinking an eye.

Because guess what? You finally kicked those money hang-ups to the curb and waved goodbye to that “overworked employee” mindset.

Like Coach Shannen Who Traded Financial Pressure for Fun (and more money doing what she loves)…

“Before joining CFCEO I operated my business on autopilot and used ‘bank balance budgeting’ to manage my finances and make decisions. I thought that focusing on my finances would create too much financial pressure on myself, shift my focus from serving/connecting with clients and suck out the fun I have in running my business.

Since CFCEO, I'm now forecasting my revenue and profit, working with a bookkeeper to help keep me organized, and expanding my highest-priced service (that I LOVE to deliver). I feel less financial pressure, sell a service that will create more impact and profit, and am having fun while digging into my numbers.

I not only have clarity and the tools to double my revenue and profit, but I also have the confidence to run my business as a true CEO because of CFCEO, Belinda, Marc and team!”

You pay yourself first and take home a lot more, while working lessmaximizing your time and profit.

Because you have a strategic rock-solid plan for profit and a genius lineup of offers that practically sell themselves.

Like Website Designer Donna Who Started Paying Herself a Real Salary…

With Cash Flow CEO, Donna stopped feeling like a fraud barely paying herself and started earning like a CEO (+ she also made $9,000 in 1 day!).

You step off the income roller coaster once and for all — and eliminate the stress of unwelcome “surprises” like your tax bill.

Now you’ve got steady revenue, an easy system for managing your money, and a clear financial forecast.

Like Bookkeeper Katie Who 25x’ed Her Revenue…

As Katie implemented the 3-part Cash Flow CEO System, her monthly revenue increased from $1,500 to $6000, then to $10,000, $20,000 and finally to the current $40,000+ — in the last 4 years.

You make bold, confident decisions – especially when it comes to investing in your biz.

Because you’ve got a clear handle on what’s really going on in your business, and you can spot growth opportunities from a mile away.

Like Copywriter Tanya Who Took Control of Her Money and Her Lifestyle…

"Knowing what I have coming in, being able to forecast how much I've got and what it's going to cost me to do things and what it's costing me to run my business has really, really helped me feel more comfortable in being able to go:

'You know what? I'm going to go do this. I'm going to live my life the way I want to live it, because one of the joys of being a freelance copywriter is you can do it from anywhere.'"

You make waves with the work you’re meant to do — and you start making bigger plans for the future.

Because you only say yes when it’s a full body HECK YES! You know exactly what to sell, how many, and when to hit your revenue targets. And you have plenty of time for CEO-level planning.

Like Actress & Language Instructor Gracy Who Went from Thinking Paycheck-to-Paycheck to Thinking about Her Financial Future…

“This course has really changed my life. One of the things that I really marvel at when I’m hearing you talk is your creative finance mentality. It’s never about the lack of or going from paycheck to paycheck, it’s always about ‘how can we make this work, how can we make this happen?’ Now ‘I’m thinking like Belinda.’... I love the way that my mindset has really shifted from this idea of paycheck to paycheck to how do I create consistent revenue, how do I create strategy, how can I plan for my future.

Bottom line: All of the above (and more) is possible for you when you become a confident Cash Flow CEO.

This is exactly what I want!



You Want to Lean Forward and Say “Tell Me More” … But Still Wonder if Cash Flow CEO Will Really Work for You?

Here’s the Truth:

When You Build a Solid Foundation, Your Business Will Thrive — Money Will Become a Source of Excitement & Joy, Instead of Worry & Stress

Listen, I get it if you’re skeptical. 

Maybe you’re thinking, “Belinda, how can money be exciting when I feel like it’s suffocating me?”

I hear you! Everything has gone up in price lately– except, apparently, your rates – no wonder you’re feeling the squeeze! 

You’re feeling the financial pressure like never before.

There’s no denying that things have changed over the past few years. And what worked to sell coaching packages and courses like hotcakes in 2020 isn’t working so much in 2024.

So many female business owners just like you aren't where they thought they would be by now.

That’s why now is the perfect time to focus on your money and build (or rebuild) a solid foundation for your business.

Here’s What I Know About You Without a Doubt…

You’re already killing it as a business owner. You did what most people only daydream about — started a business and made money! (Cue the confetti!) 

But let’s be real… deep down, you want MORE.

More take-home pay. More freedom. More ease.

Yes, the house upgrade and the car you’ve always wanted…

But especially to take a two-week vacation where you actually relax and not worry that your business will crash and burn.

And Let’s Clear This Up Right Now —
Cash Flow CEO Is NOT Like Any Other Course

If you’re anything like me, you’ve invested in a few (hundred?) programs with hit-or-miss results. The last thing you want is “just another course.” collecting dust and giving you guilt trips. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Cash Flow CEO is different. 

It’s all about fixing the real foundational issues in your business. 

Why focus on the foundation?

Think of your business like a house.

If the foundation is wobbly, does it make sense to splurge on fancy decor and new paint? Nope!

It makes sense to put all of your efforts into fixing the foundation. Right?

Because without a strong foundation, your house will crumble and bring all the pretty stuff down with it.

The truth? Money is what makes or breaks your business. 

Yet, 99.99% of coaches & programs dodge the money talk and treat it like an afterthought.

It’s Time You Heard the Truth

The truth is, scaling your business and taking home more money isn’t just about making more cash.

It’s not a matter of clocking more hours, getting more clients, or sacrificing your free time — just so you can pay the bills.

Because you can’t hustle your way to a healthy, sustainable version of success… and you can’t scale chaos!

The secret is intentionally managing the money you already make, then using that knowledge to create a plan for growth in the right places.

Because profit doesn’t just happen – it’s planned!

Do you wish someone would give you the step-by-step roadmap and guidance on how to grow your business… so you can make more money and enjoy more free time doing whatever the heck you want?

Psst, it’s here! Cash Flow CEO is the roadmap!

Give Me the Roadmap! I Want It All!


Here's How It Works:

The 3-Step Roadmap to Cash Clarity

Once you put the three keys to Cash Clarity to work for you, you put yourself on the path to the freedom you imagined when you started your business.


You’ll step into the CEO role and upgrade your beliefs, rewrite your money story, and adopt a new identity.


You’ll get control of your cash flow with a simple system to organize, track, and manage your money.


You’ll scale your business and dream up your big vision, set the right goals, and create a profit plan.


The 90-day roadmap for women entrepreneurs who want to grow a more profitable business that gives them the time (and money) to enjoy their lives.

Here’s what you get inside Cash Flow CEO:

Business Foundations: Build on Solid Ground

Ready to stop avoiding your numbers? It’s time to break free from the overwhelm and take control. The secrets of time and energy management are waiting for you – it’s your time to actually work less and earn more!

  • Create a vision that’s all about what you want- no more “shoulds”
  • Discover why there’s no such thing as failure- just better ways to run your biz.
  • Handle fear and worry like a boss when they creep up on you (because they will!)

Money Story: Lead Effectively

Oh, the weird money stories we’ve got in our heads, right? Let’s rewrite yours so you can ditch the self-doubt and imposter syndrome around money. No more playing small - own your value!

  • Break free from your old money beliefs with our 7-step process
  • Say goodbye to scarcity mindset and hello to growth and abundance.
  • Stop apologizing for your strength, power…and your prices!

Money System: Control Your Cash Flow

No more letting your bank account decide if you can afford things (we’ve all checked our bank balance online before, am I right?) and learn to plan ahead for purchases, taxes, investments and paying yourself.

  • Get your bookkeeping handled - and how to hire a good bookkeeper when you’re ready
  • Make money decisions based on real numbers, not guesswork
  • Set up a money system to track revenue and expenses- and say BYE to self-sabotage and debt

Money Strategy: Scale Your Business

A real money strategy automatically = less stress and more success. You’ll discover how to be intentional with your revenue, plan for slow months and build ongoing income.

  • Use my Profit Plan Workbook to create a rock-solid revenue plan
  • Focus on the right income streams for your phase of business and discover 30+ revenue ideas for online biz owners (your jaw will drop on this one!)
  • Set and raise your rates confidently - no more second-guessing yourself

Join Cash Flow CEO Now and Get These Bonuses Worth $10,000…


6 Live Group Coaching + Q&A Sessions with Belinda
(Value $5,000)

Get direct access to me twice a month for 90 days in group coaching sessions. Ask questions, celebrate wins, get unstuck, and be surrounded by support in a safe place as you put everything you learn into practice. (This is my favorite part, I love getting to know you!)


Plug-and-Play Tools & Resources
(Value $500)

Customizable spreadsheets, dashboards and worksheets that make tracking your cash a breeze. Just plug in your numbers!


Cash Flow CEO LIVE 2-Day Virtual Training Event
(Value $2,000)

Get a high-level overview of the entire Cash Flow CEO program, fully guided by me. Participate in breakout sessions, Q&A and hot seats. Don’t miss this!


Private Cash Flow CEO Community
(Value $500)

Connect with driven, passionate women just like you- ready to take control of their money and step into the role of Cash Flow CEO.


​Successful Sales Calls Training
(Value $1,000)

A simple 5-step system to master your mindset + messaging so you can serve better and sell more. (And get results like: 10x revenue, landing national speaking spots, launching a biz to 6 figs in 3 months and more!)


​Bookkeeping Toolkit
(Value $1,000)

Stop struggling with bookkeeping! Easy templates, expert advice from top bookkeepers and tools to hire the right bookkeeper.

Pay-In-Full Bonus!

How to Sell Scalable Small Offers for BIG Profit with Belinda Rosenblum & Allison Hardy (Value $1,000)

In this actionable training, you’ll learn how to design small, stackable digital products that increase your customer's lifetime value. And you’ll get a behind-the-scenes walkthrough of Allison’s proprietary Email Pitch Sequence System to sell your product on autopilot.

Plus, you’ll take action by brainstorming what YOUR next scalable, small offer can be — topic, price, and title!

What Does It Cost?

As a business owner, you’ve got 2 kinds of expenses: costs and investments.

Costs are the ‘meh stuff’ that don’t really move the needle for your bottom line (like that fancy branding photoshoot.)

Investments? They’re the money moves that give you a clear return on investment. 

And Cash Flow CEO? It’s not just another “expense” you fork over cash for, cross your fingers, and hope for the best…

Nope, it’s a revenue-boosting powerhouse. (That’s literally the whole point of what we do!)

What if you could walk away with the confidence to double your prices, launch something exclusive that has people fighting for spots on your calendar, and strategize an offer that reignites old clients’ love for your biz so they’re banging down your door for more?  

By the end of 2024, how much could you rake in with that kind of investment?

You get lifetime access to Cash Flow CEO for only...


8 Monthly Payments Of




4 Monthly Payments Of



A One-Time Payment Of

...Plus $1K Bonus: "How To Sell Scalable Small Offers For BIG Profit

SAVE $305!

Backed by our 14-day money-back guarantee

Safe & Secure Checkout


I want you to be MORE than satisfied with your investment in Cash Flow CEO. So, I’m giving you 14 days to test-drive the program.

If this course doesn't meet your expectations, reach out to us via email within the 14-day period. If you've done the work, shown up, and still feel like nothing has changed - you'll get a full refund. You have my word on it!

Hey, I’m Belinda Rosenblum

My mission is to help women entrepreneurs like you take charge of your money and profits – so you can enjoy the freedom-filled life you started your business for in the first place.

But I have a confession to make: Managing my business finances didn’t always come easily for me — even though I was a CPA and could handle big corporate accounts.

My rude wake-up call came early in my business when I realized my business “made” $155K in annual revenue but I was only able to pay myself a whopping $2,348 — for the entire year. (Nope, I didn’t forget a zero.)

The thing is, I knew how to get clients and deliver what I sold. And I thought hiring a bookkeeper was “enough” to handle the money side of things.

When it came to having a money plan, I was winging it.

Turns out, when you don’t have a plan you aren’t setting yourself up for success to have a profitable, growing business either. And definitely not one that can give you both financial and time freedom.

When I created an intentional plan for the business to profit and for me to get paid, everything changed.

After just one additional year, I was able to pay myself $96,000. 48x my take-home from the previous year.

How about you? Are you winging it when it comes to your money?

If so, you’re not the only one. Money avoidance is practically an epidemic among business owners.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

What you need is for it to be easy to manage your money and master your cash flow…

I can show you how!

Don’t Just Take It From Me.
Here’s What Other Cash Flow CEOs Said…

Justine Went From Imposter Syndrome (With Revenue That Plateaued) To Tripling Her Rates

“I was in a place of deep imposter syndrome, thinking maybe nobody’s buying from me because they don’t think I’m an expert. I felt really lost. I saw Belinda speak and I kid you not during the first call I broke down into a river of crying. Belinda took her time and listened to me and gently, but firmly guided me to a sense of confidence and clarity in my business finances.”

Justine Nelson of @ debtfreemillennials_

Jasmine Had Already Invested In Other Programs, But Cash Flow CEO Gave Her The Foundation She Was Missing

“I’ve done other programs, masterminds and coaches, but was missing a strong business foundation. In just the first 2 months in Cash Flow CEO, I’ve made back my investment and have so much clarity around my business goals, my offers and so much confidence when I talk with new clients.”

Jasmine Ramirez of @bam.coaching

Annie Is Having Fun In Her Business Again - Instead Of Being Stressed About Financials

“Before I joined CFCEO, I was all over the place with my business, my financials, and my goals. I was blown away when I first heard Belinda speak, she knew exactly what my problems were and had solutions. Cash Flow CEO has been a complete game changer for me. I’ve raised prices, have new offers and a profit plan. It’s such a relief, I’m not scrambling and stressed. It’s been so empowering, I feel like a CEO!”

Annie Little @theunlimitedvoice

Julie Stopped Looking at Job Listings

“Someone recommended Cash Flow CEO. And I almost didn’t join because I thought ‘my books are in order, my spreadsheets are up to snuff. I don’t really need help with budgeting.’ But what I did need help with was how to hone down on the things that really give me the most bang for my buck.”

— Julie Cunningham, Nutritionist

Amy Finally Knows Her Worth

“I think the biggest shift for me is finally valuing what I'm worth, and that I have a lot to offer. I have a lot of knowledge and connections, and it really is up to me to remove myself from certain positions that I have kept myself in, thinking that that was the only way to make a positive difference in this crazy world.”

— Amy Mosher-Berry, CEO

They Saved Thousands of Dollars Right Away

“It’s been transformative... We have saved literally thousands of dollars, and that is not a joke or an exaggeration. Just by going through your checklist in our first class. Now, just the way we approach money has really brought a systems-wide change for our business.”

— Kathleen & Dan

Own your role as CEO & build your profitable, growing business, so you can take home more money and enjoy more free time.

Let’s build the foundation for unlimited growth...

In just 90 days, you’ll build a rock-solid business foundation that empowers you to:

  • Know your numbers and manage your money with ease
  • Leverage your most profitable offers and raise your rates
  • Keep MORE profit and pay yourself consistently with confidence
  • Blast through your limiting money stories and own your role as a Cash Flow CEO



So you can experience wins like these too…

WHO is Cash Flow CEO Really for?

This program is for successful coaches, service providers, and other women business owners (just like you) who already have some revenue rolling in, but are exhausted trading hours for dollars. You’re ready to grow your biz without working even harder.

  • You’re making good money (on track for $50K to $200K), but you’re done letting fear or doubts hold you back from leveling up.
  • You’re tired of undervaluing yourself, giving discounts, undercharging, and letting things slide. You’re ready to stand in your worth and expertise.
  • You want to get a grip on your cash flow, so you can finally pay yourself, invest with certainty, and be a confident CEO who’s got her numbers dialed in.
  • You’re looking for a real financial strategy that helps you grow your business with less stress and more profit. No pocket protector required.

Is that you?

Cash Flow CEO was made for you!



Our Cash Flow CEOs Shift Their Mindsets, Go Bigger, and Get Results!

Sold 4x Her Summit Upgrade Packages

Susan, Shamanic Healer

From $1,500 to $6,000 Per Month (to $40,000+ now!)

Katie, Bookkeeper

From Afraid To Look at Number To a Profitable Planned Business

Jess, Creative Business Coach

No Longer Functioning as an Employee but as the Owner
Karen, Artist + Business Owner

Quick recap of everything you get:

  • Our signature 3-Part Cash Clarity System in YOUR business (Value $10,000)
  • Lifetime access to the Cash Flow CEO System with 6 training modules (Value $5,000)
  • 6 Live Group Coaching + Q&A Sessions with Belinda (Value $5,000)
  • Private Cash Flow CEO Community (Value $500)
  • Plug-and-Play Money Tools & Resources (Value $500)
  • ​Successful Sales Calls Training (Value $1,000)
  • ​Bookkeeping Toolkit (Value $1,000)
  • Cash Flow CEO 2-Day LIVE Virtual Training Event (Value $2,000)

That’s a total value of $25,000 for only $1,995

You get lifetime access to Cash Flow CEO for only...


8 Monthly Payments Of



4 Monthly Payments Of



A One-Time Payment Of


...Plus $1K Bonus: "How To Sell Scalable Small Offers For BIG Profit

SAVE $305!

Backed by our 14-day money-back guarantee

Safe & Secure Checkout

“My business is now planned…
without the stress.”

"It's planned now. It's not a guess. It took all the stress out of it. I can look ahead and I can say, ‘How are my months going to fall? Where can I make the best use of my time to make the most money?’ I'm not worried about the rest of it."

~ Kathryn Henderson, CEO

Why Cash Flow CEO Is Different

The key to real financial success and profitability isn’t working harder, manifesting better, or even making more revenue.

The key is creating real cash clarity when your story, system, and strategy align with how you want to do business.

Money doesn’t have to be stressful & confusing. It doesn’t need to feel like a burden or a guessing game.

Money can be the exact TOOL that helps fund your dream business, the lifestyle you want, and supports the change you want to see in the world.

(More women with more money is a very good thing in my book.)

The clarity you get from the Cash Flow CEO system will lead the way.

With this 90-Day Roadmap, you will…

Break through what keeps you stuck and stressed, over-thinking, under-charging, under-profiting, and working way too hard - so you can make money with more ease as you truly step in as the CEO of your business.

Create real (simple) money management systems, so you can pay yourself more, hire a bookkeeper (or work better with the one you have), and lead your business because you understand your numbers and can make better decisions.

Strategically project your revenue & profits and feel a whole new level of security and safety with your money. No more panic when you check your bank account -- that roller coaster ride of feast and famine is over.

Ready to get these results for yourself?



Frequently Asked Questions

Is Cash Flow CEO right for me?

CFCEO is specifically for you if:

  • You’re a coach, service provider, or other online business owner who wants to grow & scale without burning out
  • You’ve been in business at least 3 years, and your business is making about $50k-$200k in annual revenue
  • You can’t (or don't want to) work more hours, and you’re not willing to sacrifice your well-being in the name of hustle culture
  • You want to pay yourself consistently and pay yourself more. Plus you want more free time to enjoy with your loved ones

It’s also right for you if you experienced fast growth and need to backfill your financial foundation (AKA rework how you spend, save, and invest in your business) because you suspect you’re spending money in all the wrong places.

When does Cash Flow CEO start?

The program kicks off on October 20th and our first live call is Tuesday, October 22nd. You will get follow on emails with all of your course login information and a link to join our private community. You can join our group immediately and introduce yourself and meet our incredible community. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

If needed, you can delay your start date to October 20th and still get all the same bonuses and community access. Just let us know what works best for you!

When are the coaching calls?

You get access to 2 live coaching calls per month during the program. Calls are usually Tuesdays, alternating weeks, at 12pm ET. If you can’t attend live, you can submit your question in advance so that it is answered live on the call. Calls are recorded and replays are available.

You’ll also get a special invitation to the next Cash Flow CEO LIVE 2-day virtual private event when you join now.

I already have an accountant / bookkeeper. Do I really need this?

That’s great! However, that’s entirely focused on the past.

Cash Flow CEO is about helping you confidently chart your future, so you can own your role as CEO. We give you the roadmap to at least double your revenue and profit without the burnout.

You’ll clarify your offers, raise your rates, adjust your business model, leverage your time, and prioritize your profits.

Will this program help me get more clients? Because that’s what my business really needs.

I love this question! So many biz owners think they need more clients because they aren’t making the money they want, but more clients won’t help you pay yourself more if the money you earn is leaking out of your business like a bucket with holes on the bottom.

Plug the leaks, make a profit plan, create irresistible offers and make the money you want.

What if I’m in another business program or still haven’t implemented from all the other programs I’ve already paid for?

I’ll be honest with you. If you’re in a program that’s showing how to market, grow your email list, or build a course to make more money, they’re doing it backwards.

They’re showing you how to sell more or market more to make more — but they’re not starting with the foundation of your finances.

This is where CFCEO really differs from other programs. Because we’re starting from the ground up, so you can find the pricing, offers, and business model that help you reach your goals — rather than just trying to get you to sell more of something that won’t scale or won’t get you the kind of paycheck you really want.

I’m not a “numbers girl” and I lean to all things creative. Will I be lost and overwhelmed?

You don’t have to be a numbers genius, and I’m not trying to turn you into one! When you understand the basic foundation of your business finances YOU get to set goals that get you where you want to be.

And then YOU spend even more time in your zone of genius, and less time being stressed and burned out.

I’m in a really specific niche, can Cash Flow CEO still help me?

Yes! Because solid financial principles work whether you’re selling dog treats, graphic design or executive coaching sessions.

Cash Flow CEO is full of creative business owners in unique and super cool niches, and they all find more time to create once their numbers are on track. (We see Holistic Healers, Interior Designers, Copywriters, SEO Experts, Life Coaches, Fitness Coaches, Tech VA’s and more!)

Is this going to take a lot of time? I’m so busy running my business!

The opposite actually -- it’s going to free up SO much of your time! I understand that you have a business, a family, responsibilities and maybe a pile or two of laundry, same for me too!

Busy is not a good excuse to pass on Cash Flow CEO… it probably means you need this the MOST! This program is not fluffy with time wasters and useless content, it’s drilled down and we get right to work on what’s most important.

If you still have questions or special circumstances, book a quick decision-making call with me and I’ll answer your questions.

“The game changer with Belinda is that she addresses our fears and insecurities around this topic. Anyone can teach finances, but if we don’t have our mindset in check, there is no way what we are learning will stick. Also, Belinda’s confidence and self-respect is contagious. She shows you how to live in gratitude, and through positivity.”

– Alison McDonald Marsh, CEO of Pregnancy Pilates Impact

One last thing…

You’re at a crossroads. You have a business that you’ve built from the ground up that you’re so proud of, but at the same time scaling it is taking all of your time and energy.

You can’t keep pushing like you are now, and you know you deserve to spend time with your family AND grow your vision.

The “money side” of your business isn’t a scary monster, but it IS your greatest missed opportunity in creating a business and life that you love.

(Your vision likely doesn’t include more hours at work, more stress and more hustle. I already know that about you…you’ve got dreams of patios, beaches, hammocks and mountain air with your favorite people. Am I right?)

The way I look at it - you have two options today…

#1- You stay exactly where you are, with the same level of business success. Keep the numbers hidden away, and don’t put into practice new methods that move the needle. Don’t chase new opportunities for revenue and ways to pay yourself more.


#2- You say YES and join me in Cash Flow CEO. Never worry again about what to do during a “low month” in your business again. Increase your salary (or start giving yourself one!) and start living the life you dreamed of when you started your business. Work less, make more money, create more impact and manage your money without fear.

These are your options, and I will jump for joy when you choose Cash Flow CEO, because your business and life will never be the same. I’m so proud of you for investing in your business growth.

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