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We will be updating this page with additional solo promo for Video #4 and for each milestone on the schedule.


Important Links for Quick Reference:

Affiliate Link: You were sent an email with your unique affiliate link. You will be able to continue using that affiliate link as each video releases. If you don’t have it please contact Gerri: partners@ownyourmoney.com

Images: Here is the link to your images: https://ownyourmoney.com/own-partners-images/

Schedule: Here is the link to the schedule: https://ownyourmoney.com/own-partners-schedule/

Solo Email #8 – Cart Close

Subject line suggestions:

did you miss this?
did you see this?
this even surprised me…
I got you one more chance, FIRSTNAME
1 day left (then tomorrow for good) o
pen one more day

Hi <insert name>,

Real quick … I don’t want you to miss out on this. Here’s the scoop:

My friend and money mentor Belinda Rosenblum opened up her new “Own Your Money Training Program” last week and filled it by Friday. With such a huge response, she worked it out to re-open the cart AND she added a very generous payment plan option (so you can get started for just $97!).

If you want to take control of your money once and for all – in a straightforward and even fun way – definitely check this out now:


We all spend way too much time worrying about money – and especially about where it goes every month or where it should go. Yet we don’t know where to start when it comes to setting up an intentional spending plan so you feel confident and at ease before that money even leaves your wallet. So here is exactly the step-by-step system to guide you along the way.

I know our lives our hectic. I know how it feels to have money constantly on the brain. Will there be enough? Do I have enough time? Can I do this?

But I promise you there is a better way…

That’s why Belinda has broken the system down into bite sized chunks so you get to learn the system AND get your own tasks (yes the ones you’ve been putting off for months or years) done during the program and be fully supported along the way.

Click here to sign-up now! [AFFILIATE LINK]

Belinda surprised me when she opened up registration, so be sure to get in on it for this ONE more day before this offer closes. Own Your Money program participants get their money handled during the program because they take action in these areas:

* Money Tracking and Organization – Find where your money has been going to and take the actions to reduce your spending on specific areas she will highlight for you without losing your lifestyle (for example, cell phone, cable, insurances). Get all your paperwork organized and systemized (and keep it up in just a few minutes each month).

* Credit Card Debt – Negotiating your credit card rates, creating a doable plan to pay off your debt quickly, transferring to a 0% card (if she helps you determine that makes sense for you), and negotiating down certain outstanding bills.

* Savings/ Investments – Finding the cash to increase your savings for retirement/ college/ trip, rebalancing your portfolio, and consolidating old 401ks and IRAs that haven’t gotten any attention for years (and aren’t earning nearly the return they could).

* Increase your income – Get that raise/ promotion, raise your rates, redo your resume, apply for that new job, and repackage your services so you earn more and work less.

* Money stories – Clear out those old money stories so they let go of the fear, guilt, shame, and self-judgment that used to surround money. Now managing your money is actually fun as you watch your bank and investment accounts increase each month…

So get in now and take control of your money – this month, every month – once and for all.

Cart closes for good tomorrow. Don’t avoid what you know to be important any longer. This is your last chance to jump in. This course will be gentle, fun and effective. You’ll be ahead of your money issues before you know it!

Belinda and I are excited for the possibilities that await you.

Insert your sig

P.S. If you already know this Own Your Money Training Program is right for you, then jump in now while you can – and before you miss the deadline for good: [AFFILIATE LINK].

Your fellow members-to-be are already taking money-making action…

Susan: I dealt with 3 major $$ things this week that I’ve been procrastinating on, and am waiting for $1,450 to come in the mail this week!”

Andrea: An opportunity presented itself today where I had the choice to be honest or remain in denial about my money situation. So, today I decided to be honest (with myself and my friend); I stepped out of my comfort zone and told a friend that I couldn’t afford to go on a spa day with her for her birthday….instead, I offered to meet her for coffee or a glass of wine to celebrate. In the past I would have just done it because I didn’t want to hurt a friend’s feelings or because I had already given my word, or because, well, I was in denial! So, today, I took a deep breath and was honest with her. Surprisingly, her response back was that she was grateful for my honesty and that she was relieved to reschedule as she herself was running low on funds. Wow! I am proud of myself for taking care of myself and doing what felt right even though it was uncomfortable. A small first step in the direction of financial freedom. Go, Me!! 🙂

Here’s just a taste of what some of Belinda’s new members are already saying after just a few days in the new program:

Susan: I enrolled in Own Your Money because this is the year for me to take control of and OWN MY MONEY! …I’m trusting that this course, Belinda and her team can help me get organized educated and empowered in all areas of money! I need a strategy and pIan… I also have finished going over the Week #1 assignments. Yes, the course feels like a very comfortable life raft for me. The financial responsibilities that I have to manage by myself can feel overwhelming to do alone. I am so ready to educate myself, and have procrastinated dealing with some financial situations often, because I don’t even know where to go to learn what I need. Asking for help and facing these areas, is such a relief.

Rebekah: My money definitely owns me right now and I can’t be successful for myself and my family if I continue down this route. I’m changing lots of things in 2015 and my word for the year is adventure. I’m ready to ride!”

John:I love your philosophy and really trust and believe in you. You really do have a great product. I tried reading Tony Robbins (whom I love) new book “Money: Master The Game”, however too much info. Your program makes it simple… And fun. I did week 1 in one night and time flew by!! I took this course to get a better handle on my finances and to create an investment plan to grow my money, instead of letting it sit in a no interest savings account. I also want to learn how to develop systems that are automated as well so I don’t have to keep tabs on it every day with fear and worry. I have a little debt, and hope to get rid of that as soon as possible.

When you join the Own Your Money Training Program, ~Contact.FirstName~, imagine that Belinda is there to reach out her hand to bring you aboard with this amazing group waiting to welcome you with open arms and a big virtual hug. I know this can be scary on your own – but it doesn’t have to be that way anymore.

Get yourself started today [AFFILIATE LINK] – course registration closes for good tomorrow midnight. For our fellow avoiders, this is your one-time second chance. Go for it!

Ezine Mention:

(plus good to add an image found here: www.OwnYourMoney.com/own-partners-images)

Only one more day to take control of your money!

If you want to take control of your money once and for all – in a straightforward and even fun way – definitely check this out now:


We all spend way too much time worrying about money – and especially about where it goes every month or where it should go. Yet we don’t know where to start when it comes to setting up an intentional spending plan so you feel confident and at ease before that money even leaves your wallet. So here is exactly the step-by-step system to guide you along the way.

Get your roadmap to first get a handle on your relationship with money – and then get the specific bite-size steps you need to find where your money has been going to and a plan to keep a lot more of it.

My friend and money mentor Belinda Rosenblum’s Own Your Money Training Program will show you how to do exactly that – but only if you join her BEFORE tomorrow (Wed) midnight.

It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before and, because of the massive response, Belinda just reopened registration for one more day – it’s only available until THIS Wednesday! Click here to get started: [AFFILIATE LINK]

Social Media:

REMEMBER to go to www.tinyurl.com or https://bitly.com to shorten your AFFILIATE LINK. And of course, feel free to personalize for your voice. (We can help you with this if you’d like.)


This Wednesday is your last chance to take action with my friend Belinda Rosenblum’s new program. She had a huge response and is reopening the cart so you can have one more chance to join. You’ll learn how to be intentional with your spending – not feel stuck with an unrealistic budget. Clear the fears around money out of the way – and get time during the program to implement these changes and address any specific challenges you are facing. [AFFILIATE LINK]

Life feels paycheck-to-paycheck even though you make “good money” and there never feels like enough to go around? Then you have to check out Belinda Rosenblum’s new program. Take control over your money – once and for all and live your entire life with more confidence. Only available until this Wednesday! Don’t miss it. [AFFILIATE LINK]

My friend and money mentor Belinda Rosenblum has created a straightforward and simple system that has helped successful people become successful with their money – once and for all! Understand, organize, and grow your money with ease! Don’t miss your chance! [AFFILIATE LINK]

Want to pay your bills, debt AND enjoy having extra money each month? Then look no further. Check out my friend Belinda Rosenblum’s The Own Your Money Training Program. It’s only available until this Wednesday! When you finally step into action, you not only change your finances, you change your life! [AFFILIATE LINK]


LAST CHANCE: Replace your avoiding and fear about money and take control today with @OwnYourMoney! [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney

LAST CHANCE: Master your money without sacrificing your lifestyle with @OwnYourMoney! [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney

Don’t miss it! Stop your money leaks with @OwnYourMoney + keep more money with the easiest system [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney

It’s the last chance to get the #1 way to make + keep more money with @OwnYourMoney. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney

Avoiding your bills and credit card statements? Make over your money + your life with @OwnYourMoney. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney

Want your money to work for you? Master your money + your life with @OwnYourMoney’s new program. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney

Solo Email #7 – Cart Close

Subject line suggestions: It’s your last chance to master your money… It’s your last chance to take control of your money. Last Chance: Take control of your money now. Take control of your money – once and for all. Hi <insert name>, Do you ever think, “No one really understands my money story…?” Stories like:

  • As a business owner, I don’t know the best way to organize and separate my finances. It’s too overwhelming and I’m worried it’s hurting my business because I’m just not earning what I want to be.
  • Of course I want to help my children pay for their education, but I am not sure I can get the numbers working for me. I never learned how.
  • I used to be great with money until I got married and now I struggle to keep my partner on the same page. It’s hurting our relationship.

These are exact stories, my friend and money mentor, Belinda Rosenblum hears all the time. But as Belinda shares, everyone has worried about money at some point in their life – chances are – they still do. [In a hurry, check out this opportunity before it closes THIS Friday, midnight: [AFFILIATE LINK] You just need a roadmap to take control of your specific money story… and learn how to actually make more, save more, and stress less about all things related to your money. That’s why The Own Your Money Training Program is such a unique approach. Maybe you’ve taken a money program in the past and you learned a lot – yes – but you didn’t feel you could maintain it and implement all you learned going forward. Or maybe it’s that you have so much else going on in your life that you are worried you aren’t going to fit another thing onto your to do list. Here’s the thing… Belinda first gives you the step-by-step system, broken down into bite-size pieces so even the busiest of people can make time for it. AND then when most other money and business experts layer more tactics on you, she helps you take a step back to first address the emotional side of money (that is likely taking up a lot more mental space than you’ve realized) so you can learn to look at your money without any fear, shame, or anxiety. Lastly, she gives you sufficient time during the program to implement these changes and address any specific challenges you are facing. With full support from her, her team, and her 200+ person community of action-takers. Money is especially interesting in that it takes up A LOT of mental space when we don’t address it. So the goal here is to clear your plate of this money worry and stress and then put happier things ON your plate. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before and it’s only available until THIS Friday! Simply click here to get started: [AFFILIATE LINK] So if you are ready to make 2015 the year your money becomes a habit, the year practice makes permanent, with more money in your bank account and ease in your life, then this is the biggest step you can take… Insert your sig

Ezine Mention:

(plus good to add an image found here: www.OwnYourMoney.com/own-partners-images)

Everyone has worried about money at some point in their life – chances are –they still do. You just need a roadmap to take control of your specific money story… and learn how to actually make more, save more, and stress less about all things related to your money. That’s why my friend Belinda Rosenblum’s Own Your Money Training Program is so unique. Maybe you’ve taken a money program in the past and you learned a lot – yes – but you didn’t feel you could maintain it and implement all you learned going forward. Belinda gives you the step-by-step system in bite-size pieces, support to release the emotional challenges you’ve been held captive to, and the time during the program to tackle that nagging to-do list so it gets DONE because you have a team along the way to support your progress and a go-to-resource to answer your questions along the way. You develop a new confidence and results with your money that is amazing. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before and it’s only available until THIS Friday! Click here to get started: [AFFILIATE LINK]

Social Media:

REMEMBER to go to www.tinyurl.com or https://bitly.com to shorten your AFFILIATE LINK. And of course, feel free to personalize for your voice. (We can help you with this if you’d like.) FACEBOOK: This Friday is your last chance to take action with my friend Belinda Rosenblum’s new program. You’ll learn how to be intentional with your spending – not an unrealistic budget. Clear the fears around money out of the way – and get time during the program to implement these changes and address any specific challenges you are facing. [AFFILIATE LINK] Life feels paycheck-to-paycheck even though you make “good money” and there never feels like enough to go around? Then you have to check out Belinda Rosenblum’s new program. Take control over your money – once and for all and live your entire life with more confidence. Only available until this Friday! Don’t miss it. [AFFILIATE LINK] My friend and money mentor Belinda Rosenblum has created a straightforward and simple system that has helped successful people become successful with their money – once and for all! Understand, organize, and grow your money with ease! Don’t miss your chance! [AFFILIATE LINK] Want to pay your bills, debt AND enjoy having extra money each month? Then look no further. Check out my friend Belinda Rosenblum’s The Own Your Money Training Program. It’s only available until this Friday! When you finally step into action, you not only change your finances, you change your life! [AFFILIATE LINK] TWITTER: LAST CHANCE: Master your money without sacrificing your lifestyle with @OwnYourMoney! [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Don’t miss it! Stop your money leaks with @OwnYourMoney + keep more money with the easiest system [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney It’s the last chance to get the #1 way to make + keep more money with @OwnYourMoney. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Avoiding your bills and credit card statements? Make over your money + your life with @OwnYourMoney. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Want your money to work for you? Master your money + your life with @OwnYourMoney’s new program. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney


Solo Email #6 – Teleclass

Subject line suggestions: did you see this, ~Contact.FirstName~? don’t miss this In case you missed it… One more chance… A special opportunity just for you. Don’t miss your shot Don’t miss your chance ~Contact.FirstName~, Did you listen in to my friend and money mentor Belinda Rosenblum’s special teleclass? [In a hurry? Get your seat now, before they max out for the “5 Biggest Money Leaks” teleclass, Thursday April 9th: [AFFILIATE LINK]] One of my favorite things about the class was hearing how many people reached out to say that they felt like someone was finally speaking in their language. Too often, I hear experts talk about finances in a way that makes money feel like an exclusive club you aren’t apart of. It sounds complicated – a lot of numbers floating around and no real connection to how it fits into YOUR life. And I don’t know about you, but this kind of talk makes me want to take a nap – a long one. Because there really is an easier (and truly more effective) way – thanks to Belinda! Lucky for us, she is offering her LIVE – back by popular demand – teleclass again THIS Tuesday! So if you missed it – this is your last chance! Get inside tips like:

  • The #1 reason that keeps you procrastinating, in debt, and in the back seat of your own financial car – and it’s not what you think
  • How what you don’t know is costing you… big time!
  • The exact direct expenses where millions of people “leak” thousands of dollars, and where to look for more income!

Plus, how handling your money often improves your health, your weight, and even your sex life. Seriously. And who doesn’t want that, right? Simply click here to claim your spot >> [AFFILIATE LINK] And at the end of this class, Belinda will answer YOUR specific questions AND give a special bonus to those listening live on the line. I guarantee you will leave with some concrete, actionable tips you can start implementing – right now. And maybe even an amazing bonus! Insert Your Sig P.S. She has never shared these 5 money leaks before – and they are doozies that are likely affecting your income, your savings, and essentially “killing” your financial self-esteem and future. This is a must-not-miss. Here’s the direct link so she can send you the call-in/ login info right away: [AFFILIATE LINK]

Ezine Mention:

(plus good to add an image found here: www.OwnYourMoney.com/own-partners-images)

Does money often feel like a rollercoaster you can’t stop? Some months it’s fun – money flows in, bills get paid – other times our money disappears. My friend and money mentor, Belinda Rosenblum, calls this disappearing act our “money leaks” and plugging these leaks is often the key to making and keeping more of the money we work so hard for. Lucky for us, Belinda is offering her LIVE – back by popular demand teleclass – THIS Tuesday! Discover “5 Money Leaks That Are Costing You Precious Cash …and the #1 Secret to Keeping More of What You Earn This Year!” Belinda will show you simple and straightforward ways to create more money – to save, spend how YOU want, and finally pay off debts. Plus, how to improve your health, weight, and even your sex life by getting a handle on your money. And who doesn’t want that, right? And at the end of this special live class, Belinda will answer YOUR specific questions AND give a special bonus to those live on the line. Simply click here to hold your spot and get the full scoop: [AFFILIATE LINK]

Social Media:

REMEMBER to go to www.tinyurl.com or https://bitly.com to shorten your AFFILIATE LINK. And of course, feel free to personalize for your voice. (We can help you with this if you’d like.) Facebook: Do you know your top “money leaks?” My friend Belinda Rosenblum’s new teleclass: “5 Money Leaks That Are Costing You Precious Cash …and the #1 Secret to Keeping More of What You Earn This Year!” is BACK by popular demand for ONE more day! Reserve your virtual seat now. Best part is – it’s free and you have 2 chances to listen in! [AFFILIATE LINK] Learn the top 5 “money leaks” you may be missing! Check out my friend Belinda Rosenblum’s new teleclass THIS Tuesday where she will teach you to plug those leaks and let you in on the #1 secret to keeping more of what you earn this year! Plus, she will be taking YOUR specific questions – live on the call. Reserve your virtual seat now: [AFFILIATE LINK] You work hard, you make “good money” but there never seems to be enough to go around. My friend Belinda Rosenblum’s new teleclass will help you find the #1 way you could be killing your financial self-esteem and how to take it back – once and for all! Reserve your free virtual seat now: [AFFILIATE LINK] Did you know that high interest rates are just one way you may be getting “had” by your money – and the financial system? I didn’t until my friend Belinda Rosenblum let me in on the top 5 money leaks that so many people don’t know about! Check out Belinda’s teleclass: “5 Money Leaks That Are Costing You Precious Cash …and the #1 Secret to Keeping More of What You Earn This Year!” You don’t want to miss this: [AFFILIATE LINK] Getting a handle on your money could improve your health, your weight, and even your sex life! And who doesn’t want that, right? Belinda Rosenblum’s special teleclass is helping so many couples tackle their finances together. Lucky for us, she is offering her LIVE class THIS Tuesday! Money talks will become a “want to” as opposed to a “have to” with her actionable, doable tips. Mark you calendar now and be sure to reserve your seat: [AFFILIATE LINK] Twitter: Leaking money + don’t know it? Keep more of your money – right now with @OwnYourMoney’s FREE teleclass: [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Learn the #1 way you are killing your financial self-esteem + how to take it back with @OwnYourMoney: [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Get a handle on your 5 biggest “money leaks” to keep more cash with @OwnYourMoney’s FREE teleclass: [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Getting a handle on your money improves your sex life. Find out how with @OwnYourMoney’s FREE teleclass: [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Want to ask YOUR specific questions around money? Get ready for @OwnYourMoney’s FREE teleclass: [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Money sitting in your bank could be hurting your finances. Find out how in @OwnYourMoney’s new teleclass: [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney


Solo Email #5 – Teleclass

Subject line suggestions: Do you know you could be leaking money? Does your money remain a mystery every month? You could be leaking money and not even know it! Are you leaking money? Are you flushing money down the toilet? Hi <insert name>, Early on in my business, I had an interesting relationship with my money. It often felt like a rollercoaster I couldn’t stop. Some months seemed fun – money was coming in, bills were getting paid, and other months – my money remained a mystery. I never felt consistent with my finances. I never felt in charge. And whether you are a business owner or not, I think we can all relate, right? This feeling that there never seems to be enough money to go around – it somehow disappears – no matter how hard we work. My friend and money mentor Belinda Rosenblum calls this disappearing act your “money leaks” and often, we don’t even know we have them. But plugging these leaks are often the keys to making and keeping more of the money we work so hard for. In Belinda’s new teleclass: “Five Money Leaks That Are Costing You Precious Cash and The #1 Secret to Keeping More of What You Earn This Year!” she will show you the simple and straightforward ways you can stop the leaks and create more money – to save, spend how YOU want to, and to pay off your debts – once and for all. Never again be trapped by things like suffocating interest rates draining your wallet each month. And if you’re a business owner, then she will also be covering some SPECIFIC items that you need to get going on. Get inside tips like:

  • The 3 must know questions to ask yourself before you buy anything. Feel more confident about spending before your money even leaves your wallet.
  • Find out the #1 way you are slowly killing your financial self-esteem – every day and how to take it back – once and for all.
  • Why the money sitting in your bank account is stunting your financial progress and easy ways to get your money growing and on board to your rich life – today.

Plus, how to improve your sex life by getting a handle on your money. Seriously. And who doesn’t want that, right? So what are you waiting for? Simply click here to claim your spot >> [AFFILIATE LINK] And at the end of this special live class, Belinda will take YOUR specific questions AND give a special prize to one person live on the line! I guarantee you will leave with some concrete, actionable tips you can start implementing – right now. And maybe even an amazing prize! Insert Your Sig P.S. She has never shared these 5 deadly ‘money leaks’ before – and they are doozies that are likely affecting your income, your savings, and essentially “killing” your financial self-esteem and future. This is a must-not-miss. Here’s the direct link so she can send you the call-in/ log-in info right away: [AFFILIATE LINK]

Ezine Mention:

(plus good to add an image found here: www.OwnYourMoney.com/own-partners-images)

Does money often feel like a rollercoaster you can’t stop? I know I have felt this way. Some months it’s fun – money flows in, bills get paid, and other times it seems our money disappears and remains a mystery. My friend and money mentor Belinda Rosenblum calls this disappearing act our “money leaks” and we may not even know we have them! But plugging these leaks are often the keys to making and keeping more of the money we work so hard for. In Belinda’s new teleclass: Five Money Leaks That Are Costing You Precious Cash and The #1 Secret to Keeping More of What You Earn This Year!”, she will show you the simple and straightforward ways you can stop the leaks and create more money – to save, spend how YOU want to, and to pay off your debts – once and for all. Plus, how to improve your sex life by getting a handle on your money. Seriously. And who doesn’t want that, right? So what are you waiting for? Mark your calendar now! Simply click here to claim your spot: [AFFILIATE LINK] And at the end of this special live class, Belinda will answer YOUR specific questions AND give a special prize to one person live on the line! I guarantee you will leave with some concrete, actionable tips you can start implementing – right now. And maybe even an amazing prize!

Social Media:

REMEMBER to go to www.tinyurl.com or https://bitly.com to shorten your AFFILIATE LINK. And of course, feel free to personalize for your voice. (We can help you with this if you’d like.) Facebook: Do you know your top “money leaks?” My friend Belinda Rosenblum’s new teleclass: “Five Money Leaks That Are Costing You Precious Cash and The #1 Secret to Keeping More of What You Earn This Year!” will not only help you finally plug your leaks so you can keep more money, but she’ll also let you in on the 3 must know questions to ask yourself before buying anything. Feel more confident about spending before money even leaves your wallet! Reserve your virtual seat now. Best part is – it’s free! You don’t want to miss this: [AFFILIATE LINK] Learn the top 5 “money leaks” you may be missing! Check out my friend Belinda Rosenblum’s new teleclass where she will teach you to plug those leaks – once and for all, and let you in on the #1 secret to keeping more of what you earn this year! Plus, ask any questions at the end of the class so you can ask YOUR specific questions. Reserve your virtual seat now: [AFFILIATE LINK] Here’s to owning your money! You work hard, you make “good money” but there never seems to be enough to go around to really live your lifestyle. I’ll let you in on a little secret: you may be leaking money and not even know it! My friend Belinda Rosenblum’s new teleclass: “Five Money Leaks That Are Costing You Precious Cash and The #1 Secret to Keeping More of What You Earn This Year!” will help you find the #1 way you could be killing your financial self-esteem and how to take it back – once and for all! Reserve your free virtual seat now: [AFFILIATE LINK] Did you know that high interest rates are just one way you may be getting “had” by your money? I didn’t until my friend Belinda Rosenblum let me in on the top 5 money leaks that so many professionals don’t even know they have! Well, no longer will your money be a mystery because Belinda is offering the incredible opportunity to take action with her teleclass: “Five Money Leaks That Are Costing You Precious Cash and The #1 Secret to Keeping More of What You Earn This Year!” Plus, she’ll take YOUR specific questions. You don’t want to miss this: [AFFILIATE LINK] Did you know getting a handle on your money could improve your sex life? Seriously. And who doesn’t want that, right? My friend Belinda Rosenblum’s special teleclass: “Five Money Leaks That Are Costing You Precious Cash and The #1 Secret to Keeping More of What You Earn This Year!” will help you get your partner on board so you can finally tackle your finances together. Money talks will become a “want to” as opposed to a “have to” with her actionable, doable tips you can start implementing – today! Plus, she’s giving a special prize to one person live on the line! Mark you calendar now! You don’t want to miss this: [AFFILIATE LINK] Twitter: Leaking money + don’t know it? Keep more of your money – right now with @OwnYourMoney’s FREE teleclass: [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Learn the #1 way you are killing your financial self-esteem + how to take it back with @OwnYourMoney: [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Learn the 3 must know questions to ask before buying anything with @OwnYourMoney’s FREE teleclass: [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Getting a handle on your money improves your sex life. Find out how with @OwnYourMoney’s FREE teleclass: [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Want to ask YOUR specific questions around money? Get ready for @OwnYourMoney’s FREE teleclass: [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Money sitting in your bank could be hurting your finances. Find out how in @OwnYourMoney’s new teleclass: [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney


Solo Email #3

Subject line suggestions: what if I told you… Want to make more money? Start here. Money feel like hard work? It doesn’t have to. do you ever worry about money? Hi <NAME>, What are you doing to make your money work FOR you? Does this sound familiar…

  • I’m excited to get out there every morning but I have no clue how much is coming in or going out. At the end of the year, I am surprised at how much I made (without much to show for it) and often I get a big tax bill that I didn’t see coming (and I didn’t budget for).
  • I’m investing in programs but don’t have enough money coming in, and feel a constant strain around my growing debt.
  • Don’t you need a lot of extra money in order to invest it? That’s not me. And besides, no one ever taught me and I have no idea where to start.

Given how hard you work for you money, isn’t it time to put your money to work for you? What if I told you that it was possible to grow your money with a simple, straightforward system? It’s not some exclusive club you aren’t apart of. You can do this. That’s why my friend Belinda Rosenblum, Wealth expert and CPA, has created a 3-part free video series showing you step-by-step actions to control of your money – right now. And her 3rd video in the series – just released! – is devoted to growing your money. Once you realize that growing your money is within your reach, the quicker you can:

  • Pay down debt (and never be stuck with that drain ever again).
  • Increase your savings for retirement.
  • Save for college or your cushion fund.
  • Or simply create more options.

Start now by downloading her “Growth Strategies” cheat sheet so you can have access to these insider secrets and tips at any time: [AFFILIATE LINK]. Belinda even shares a very personal story about how one particular decision around growing her own money resulted in a $1,000,000 net worth impact to her retirement savings. She will fill you in on that choice – and how you can actually double your own money way easier than you may think. What I love about Belinda is she makes it doable. She talks about money – making more of it, identifying those money leaks, and even things like investing – easy to understand and achievable with a simple system you can start implementing no matter where you are on your financial journey. Check out her video and Growth Strategies here: [AFFILIATE LINK]. If you missed the first videos – no problem! Once you register, you can go back and watch them immediately. Learn to do money differently and more effectively. Make money work for you so you can live your dreams. They are closer than you think! Insert your sig

Ezine Mention:

(plus good to add an image found here: www.OwnYourMoney.com/own-partners-images)

Have you checked out my friend and money mentor’s Belinda Rosenblum’s new video training series yet? It is packed with savvy secrets to help you stop putting off your money and start building your financial confidence and living your dreams faster than you may have previously thought possible – without sacrificing your lifestyle. Her 3rd video in this 3-part, free series has just been released! This one is all about growing your money – and won’t be available for long. It even comes with an immediate DOWNLOAD of 3 Grow Your Money Strategies that is worth its weight in gold. You’ll learn things like… How to plug the 3 major “money leaks” and create a realistic, intentional plan to keep more money – each week. How the “Rule of 72” will show you how to easily double your money invested – without waiting until you have an extra 50,000 laying around. You can start right now. Plus, Belinda shares how she went from being $500,000 under saved for retirement to never having to put another penny towards it – all by implementing these insider secrets she will share with you! You don’t want to miss this. The video series is only available for a few more days! Sign-up now. No cost. Register here: [AFFILIATE LINK]

Social Media:

REMEMBER to go to www.tinyurl.com or https://bitly.com to shorten your AFFILIATE LINK. And of course, feel free to personalize for your voice. (We can help you with this if you’d like.) Facebook: Learn the top 3 money leaks you may be missing! Check out the new OWN YOUR MONEY Video Series from my colleague Belinda Rosenblum to find out just how much money you are missing out on – every month! It’s only up for a limited time so check it out now: [AFFILIATE LINK] Get in on the insider secrets to make, keep, and grow more money. If you ever thought investing money wasn’t possible or seemed out of your reach, then you have to check this out! My friend Belinda Rosenblum has created a free video training series to help successful people grow their money, no matter the number. Stop putting off your money and start living your dreams. [AFFILIATE LINK] Ready for the last system you’ll ever need to finally make money work for you? Check out my friend Belinda Rosenblum’s no-cost video training series today! It’s only available for a limited time, so get in on these secrets now! [AFFILIATE LINK] Twitter: @OwnYourMoney is offering a free video to grow your money without sacrificing your lifestyle. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Learn your top 3 money leaks. Join @OwnYourMoney to stop the leaks + keep more of your money. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Money sitting in your savings? Get growing it, no matter the number. It’s easier than you think. [AFFILIATE LINK]#OwnYourMoney Get the #1 way to grow your money with @OwnYourMoney’s free training series! [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney @OwnYourMoney’s free series shows you how to take charge of your money situation – once and for all. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Want your money to work for you? Master your money and your life with @OwnYourMoney. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney


Solo Email #2

TO SEND: Beginning Thursday, March 19th, 2015 (not before) through Monday March 23rd. Subject line suggestions: did you see this yet? Your secret weapon… 20 minutes that will change your life! Want an easy-to-follow money master plan? Check this out! Want to make and keep more money? You have to watch this! It just keeps getting better… Hi <NAME>, Have you checked out my friend and colleague Belinda Rosenblum’s free video training series yet? If you haven’t had a chance, now is the time. The Own Your Money Video Training Series is only available for the next eight days and it is jam packed with some seriously savvy secrets on how to stop your worry and stress around money, so you can start living your dreams – today. Her 2nd Video: Organizing Your Money (did I mention it’s free?!) covers a lot of ground, including the secret weapon to getting on top of your finances – once and for all. Check out the 2nd Video now (and be sure to download your Money Master Plan): [AFFILIATE LINK] The unique thing about Belinda is that her money training goes far beyond just teaching you dollars and cents. She is strengthening marriages – giving each partner the courage – and money – to take a stand. Houses and cars are getting purchased, and being refinanced to free up much-needed monthly cash. Savings accounts are being opened and deposits are automatically being made every month. Vacations are getting taken. Families are growing and even getting reunited. This is because it’s not just about money for Belinda. It’s about your dreams finally being realized. In this 2nd video, she gets super personal about her own journey with money. How she went from money mess to money maven and mentor. And how her foundational, simple system has helped generate over $1.5 million in my business and has helped clients collectively make and save over $2 million! In this 2nd video, you will hear her answer questions like:

  • Where do I find more money to keep each month?
  • What do I do about my daunting and time-consuming filing and financial paperwork?
  • How do I get more organized so I can feel better about me, and my finances – and, ultimately, have more money in the bank and to spend?

Plus, learn the one financial habit that can help you feel immediately more in control of your money. Click here to register now: [AFFILIATE LINK]. If you missed Video 1 – no problem! Once you register, you can go back and watch it instantly. Implementing these organizational steps will help you build confidence and really can make money effortless, joyful and easy for you. Don’t wait another minute. Learn to organize money differently and more effectively – right now. INSERT YOUR SIG She even reveals embarrassing photos of her office mess and explains exactly what she did to work her way out of it with the strategy and filing system that made ALL the difference. Be sure to watch now while you still can: [AFFILIATE LINK].

Ezine Mention:

(plus good to add an image found here: www.OwnYourMoney.com/own-partners-images)

Have you checked out my colleague and money master Belinda Rosenblum’s new video training series yet? It is packed with savvy secrets to help you stop putting off your money and start living your dreams faster than you may have previously thought possible. And Belinda wants to make sure you never sacrifice your lifestyle. Her 2nd video in this 3-part, free series has just been released – along with an awesome Money Master Plan! This one covers a lot of ground, including the secret weapon to getting on top of your finances – once and for all. And I got you access to her brand-new video series (check out Video 2 now: [AFFILIATE LINK]). You’ll hear answers to questions like: what do I do about my daunting and time-consuming filing and financial paperwork? How do I get more organized so I can feel better about me, and my finances – and, ultimately, have more money in the bank and to spend? Plus, learn the one financial habit that can help you feel immediately more in control of your money. Belinda is also getting real about her own struggle from money mess to money maven and how she became a self-made millionaire at age 33! You don’t want to miss this. Sign-up now. No cost. Register here: [AFFILIATE LINK]

Social Media:

REMEMBER to go to www.tinyurl.com or https://bitly.com to shorten your AFFILIATE LINK. And of course, feel free to personalize for your voice. (We can help you with this if you’d like.) Facebook: Ready to take control of your money and want the step-by-step system to do it? Check out this new OWN YOUR MONEY Video Series from my colleague Belinda Rosenblum. It’s only up for a limited time so check it out now: [AFFILIATE LINK] When you think about money, is it like a riddle you just can’t solve? Want to build your confidence but don’t know where to start? My friend Belinda Rosenblum has created a free training video series to help successful people become successful with their money. Stop putting off your money and start living your dreams. [AFFILIATE LINK] Take a minute and really think about what you would do if you weren’t limited by money. Those dreams are closer than you think! My friend Belinda Rosenblum is offering a free training video filled with actionable steps to make money work for you in less time than you think and with little sacrifice. [AFFILIATE LINK] Make enough money – but STILL feel stretched thin? Sign-up for Belinda Rosenblum’s no-cost training video to demystify your money, once and for all. [AFFILIATE LINK] Money feels out of control – but not sure how to change it? Sign-up for my friend Belinda Rosenblum’s free training video and download your Money Master Plan. [AFFILIATE LINK] Twitter: @OwnYourMoney is offering a free video to make over your money without sacrificing your lifestyle. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Your wallet leaks like a bucket with holes? Join @OwnYourMoney for 3 key ways to make + keep more money. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney The time is now – stop putting off your money and start living your dreams! [AFFILIATE LINK]#OwnYourMoney Can’t figure out why you keep putting off organizing your money? Get the fix with @OwnYourMoney. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Money keeping you up at night? Get @OwnYourMoney’s 3 key tips to make over your money.[AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Thank you @OwnYourMoney for simple, practical skills to stop worrying about money + start owning it. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Avoiding your bills and credit card statements? Get Belinda’s #1 most effective strategies to eliminate late fees and get organized with @OwnYourMoney. @ [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney


Solo Email #1

TO SEND: Beginning Monday, March 16th. SUBJECT LINE SUGGESTIONS: hot off the presses! You have to check this out!
Finally, a real answer to your money stress from money mess to money maven – worth checking out! Ready to make and keep more money? This a must see… Ready to make and keep more money? You’ve got to watch this! Want to save more money? Check this out… Ready to master your money – for free? Start here The truth about making + keeping more money. Turn your “Money Makeover” switch ON – for free! Hi <NAME>, Does money feel like a riddle you just can’t solve? You want to be confident, but you don’t know where to start? So you avoid your money and put off your dreams. Well, it doesn’t have to be this way. My friend and colleague Belinda Rosenblum, CPA and wealth expert, has helped thousands of successful people – especially busy moms, couples, entrepreneurs – learn and implement actionable small steps that create big change in your financial confidence and bank account. It’s what she calls: owning your money. Belinda knows because she’s been there. When her father had a stroke, she became the CFO of her family at only 21 years old. She was on the road every week and started a destructive habit of avoiding her money – and the piles of letters and bills that came with it. At the bottom of her breakdown, Belinda took control of her “avoider” lifestyle to finally move into action and stayed there – creating a simple, effective system and became a self-made millionaire at 33! Today, Belinda’s business has generated over $1.5 million and has helped clients collectively make and save over $2 million! She not only changed her finances – she changed her life. Now, she’s committed to helping other people do the same in her new free training videos! I love Belinda because she’s smart and tells it like it is. But she also really cares. Her systematic approach will finally make money work for you in less time than you think and with little sacrifice so you can live your dreams – today. Check out the first video now>> [AFFILIATE LINK] After watching the first Understanding Your Money video, you will know:

  • 3 steps to demystify your money. Learn to separate your financial facts from your emotions and stress around money (and what happens when you don’t!).

  • How to implement the Inaction Calculator – right now – to know what could be in your bank account (without sacrificing your lifestyle).

  • The simple, effective money tracking system to help you keep more money, making sure you never see one more late fee, and paying your bills in the fastest, most efficient way possible.

It doesn’t take a lot of money to live your dreams; it just takes a willingness to change your current situation. Belinda makes it simple and doable. Learn more and start watching now (it’s free!): [AFFILIATE LINK] Belinda is a fantastic teacher who gives simple advice that makes sense. Don’t wait another minute. Learn how to understand your money, once and for all, so you can start living your dreams – today! INSERT YOUR SIG P.S. Once you register, you will have access to the entire series where Belinda will show you how to put $500-$5000 back in your pocket each month, plus how she personally went from being $500,000 under saved for retirement to never having to work again if she didn’t want to! Watch them now: [AFFILIATE LINK]

Ezine Mention:

(plus good to add an image found here: www.OwnYourMoney.com/own-partners-images)

Often money can feel like a puzzle you can’t quite complete. You want to be confident but you don’t have all the pieces – just yet. Thankfully, my awesome friend and colleague Belinda Rosenblum teaches professionals, entrepreneurs, busy moms, and couples – people just like you how to stop putting off your money and start living your dreams – today. It’s what she calls “owning your money.” And I got you access to her brand-new video series (check out Video 1 now: [AFFILIATE LINK]) filled with actionable tips to put more money back in your pocket – and help you take the overwhelm and worry out of your own money equation right now. Plus be sure to download her new Understanding Money Blueprint to guide you along the way. You’ll even hear about Belinda’s own struggle from money mess to money maven and how she became a self-made millionaire at age 33! You don’t want to miss this. Sign-up now. No cost. Register here: [AFFILIATE LINK]

Social Media:

REMEMBER to go to www.tinyurl.com or https://bitly.com to shorten your AFFILIATE LINK. And of course, feel free to personalize for your voice. (We can help you with this if you’d like.)


Ready to take control of your money and want the step-by-step system to do it? Check out this new OWN YOUR MONEY Video Series from my colleague Belinda Rosenblum. It’s only up for a limited time so check it out now: [AFFILIATE LINK] When you think about money, is it like a riddle you just can’t solve? Want to build your confidence but don’t know where to start? My friend Belinda Rosenblum has created a free training video series to help successful people become successful with their money. Stop putting off your money and start living your dreams. [AFFILIATE LINK] Take a minute and really think about what you would do if you weren’t limited by money. Those dreams are closer than you think! My friend Belinda Rosenblum is offering a free training video filled with actionable steps to make money work for you in less time than you think and with little sacrifice. [AFFILIATE LINK] Make enough money – but STILL feel stretched thin? Sign-up for Belinda Rosenblum’s no-cost training video to demystify your money, once and for all. [AFFILIATE LINK] Money feels out of control – but not sure how to change it? Sign-up for my friend Belinda Rosenblum’s free training video. Learn 3 key strategies to finally understand your money, take back control, and live your dreams –today. [AFFILIATE LINK]


@OwnYourMoney is offering a free video to make over your money without sacrificing your lifestyle. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Your wallet leaks like a bucket with holes? Join @OwnYourMoney for 3 key ways to make + keep more money. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney The time is now – stop putting off your money and start living your dreams! [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Can’t figure out why you just don’t understand how to manage your money? Get the fix with @OwnYourMoney. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Money keeping you up at night? Get @OwnYourMoney’s 3 key tips to make over your money. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Thank you @OwnYourMoney for simple, practical skills to stop worrying about money + start owning it. [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney Avoiding your bills and credit card statements? Make over your money and your life with @OwnYourMoney. @ [AFFILIATE LINK] #OwnYourMoney

THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR SUPPORT. We look forward to sending you big commission checks and helping your community with this amazing new video series!