“But Belinda, HOW do I handle the income ups and downs and pay myself and my team—without working more hours to bring in even more clients?”

This is a question I get asked all the time, so I’ll tell you what I tell them:

If you want to avoid the stress of not having enough money to pay yourself and your team, and ultimately feeling like you need to work even more to make up for it…

You need a solid strategy—one that supports your money mindset, helps you track your most important numbers, and uses those numbers to plan ahead.

And that’s exactly what Beth was missing before she joined the Cash Flow CEO program.

Beth was struggling with understanding her numbers, which made it difficult to know what she could afford or plan for the future. 

She was working hard and doing well with her revenue, but without a financial plan, she didn’t have the clarity she needed to pay herself consistently.

The result? Stress and burnout from worrying about where her money was going, and no time for the things that really mattered.

But after implementing the Cash Flow CEO blueprint, Beth was able to:

  • Hire five new team members
  • Promote two others
  • Increase her revenue by 198%
  • Make 116% more in just one quarter than the entire previous year

Beth is now confident, in control of her finances, growing her team and finally paying herself consistently, all while having the time and energy to focus on what really matters.

And here’s the exciting part for YOU…

When you join Cash Flow CEO today, I’m adding another exclusive bonus for a limited time — access to join us live for a new workshop with Transformational Coach Stacey Brass-Russell on How To Truly Convey The Value Of Your Offer (And Sell Your Clients What They Really Want!)

In this training, Stacey will reveal how to sell your offers in a way that makes clients say, “I NEED this!” and have them eager to pay for what you’re offering.

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In case no one told you lately

by Belinda Rosenblum

When I started this business in 2007, my family and friends were VERY skeptical.

Why would I leave a six-figure job with benefits for the completely unpredictable world of entrepreneurship?!

(I can still hear their concerned voices during the “intervention” they staged 6 months in… trying to make sure I was 100% sure about “this business thing.”)

Here’s the truth:

Often the scariest decisions lead to our proudest moments.

Just 6 months after that intervention, there I was, on Boston’s 5 o’clock news, speaking as a financial expert on the day of the federal bailout as we headed into the 2008 recession.

This was my first headshot from then… I was quite the “baby business owner!”

Maybe you too have felt like Harry Potter in a world of muggles, who don’t quite understand your vision.

Because starting a business? It’s literally creating something out of nothing.

And that’s not just brave — it’s a superpower.

So, in case no one has told you lately: 

I see you. I’m proud of you. And you’re not alone in this.

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Ever see those gorgeous brand photo shoots on Instagram? You know the ones – power suit, perfect hair, confident smile…

Well, I just did mine last week. And while you’ll soon see some pretty amazing photos (ahem my new blue suit above from Saks is FIRE), here’s what you won’t see on Instagram:

  • A broken window and glass everywhere at our second studio location… and as a bonus, we were even locked out!
  • Me changing clothes in a hallway corner because the second studio was unusable
  • Our kids’ ‘perfect smiles’ deteriorating into eye rolls and dramatic sighs with each outfit change (2 hours is apparently an ETERNITY in kid-time)
  • Oh, and did I mention it was just days after it was literally raining from the kitchen lights due to an unexpected plumbing issue upstairs?

But here’s the thing… this photo shoot drama? It’s actually the perfect metaphor for what I see happening in business ALL. THE. TIME.

You scroll through Instagram and see:
Made 100k in my first 6 months!
Crossed the 7-figure mark in 2024!
Best launch ever!

What you don’t see? The real numbers behind those headlines.

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The moment is officially here! And here’s my current vibe…

You’ve been putting in the hours, chasing goals, and hustling to make your business thrive.

But let’s be real—what’s the point of all the effort if the money coming in just disappears just as quickly?

If you’ve ever caught yourself asking, “Where is all my money going?” or “Why doesn’t it feel like enough?”, you’re not alone.

That’s exactly why I created Cash Flow CEO—to help women like you stop the cycle of inconsistent income, take control of their money, and finally create the financial freedom they deserve.

And I’ve added something special to make this extra exciting…

Join now to get the BONUS Irresistible Offer Intensive
Included for FREE

The way you set up your offers is EVERYTHING—it’s the difference between clients saying, “I’ll think about it…” and them practically throwing their credit cards at you screaming, “TAKE MY MONEY!”

That’s why I created the Irresistible Offer Intensive—because no amount of marketing or sales calls will work if your offer doesn’t make people feel like they’d be crazy to pass it up.

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