Ever see those gorgeous brand photo shoots on Instagram? You know the ones – power suit, perfect hair, confident smile…

Well, I just did mine last week. And while you’ll soon see some pretty amazing photos (ahem my new blue suit above from Saks is FIRE), here’s what you won’t see on Instagram:

  • A broken window and glass everywhere at our second studio location… and as a bonus, we were even locked out!
  • Me changing clothes in a hallway corner because the second studio was unusable
  • Our kids’ ‘perfect smiles’ deteriorating into eye rolls and dramatic sighs with each outfit change (2 hours is apparently an ETERNITY in kid-time)
  • Oh, and did I mention it was just days after it was literally raining from the kitchen lights due to an unexpected plumbing issue upstairs?

But here’s the thing… this photo shoot drama? It’s actually the perfect metaphor for what I see happening in business ALL. THE. TIME.

You scroll through Instagram and see:
Made 100k in my first 6 months!
Crossed the 7-figure mark in 2024!
Best launch ever!

What you don’t see? The real numbers behind those headlines.

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I was 12 years old, standing in my navy and green LL Bean flannel pajamas, clutching my homework.

As a smart kid, I took pride in giving everything my best shot. But this writing assignment had me stuck, and I knew exactly who could help — my mom. She was a former journalist turned marketing pro, after all.

I pushed open her office door around 7:30pm. Papers were scattered everywhere, and she was hunched in the corner, phone pressed to her ear.

“Mom?” I whispered. “Could you help me with…”

“Get out!” she snapped. “I’m on the phone with a client and we’re on deadline!”

I felt it in my gut – that familiar sting of being chosen second. Of coming after the clients, after the deadlines, after the constant pressure to keep her business afloat.

Years later, my mom told me something that broke my heart: 

“I thought the only way to make the business work was to prioritize clients first. Yes, even if it meant over you and your sister. I didn’t know another way. I needed to put food on the table.”

She was doing her best. Fresh out of a costly four-year divorce, struggling to grow a new business… but undercharging and overdelivering because she didn’t know how to run a profitable business any other way.

That moment shaped my entire future.

war guitar GIF

When I became a mom at 41 (after months of trying and hoping), I made a promise to myself: I would build a different kind of business. One that wouldn’t force me to choose between success and being present — whether for my kids, my relationships, or myself.

But here’s the truth — that pull to overdeliver? That tendency to put clients first? 

It’s still there. I catch myself sometimes, laptop open during evening downtime with my husband, one eye on emails during my kid’s soccer practice.

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Happy birthday to me!

by Belinda Rosenblum

I had all the best intentions of a great email today and..

It’s my birthday! (I like to think of 50+ as the new 30.)

I am totally a birthday person — my birthday even becomes a month-long event known as the “GBP” (the Greater Birthday Period). Yes, I love every reason to celebrate!

And I share a birthday with Taylor, so that’s fun. (OK yes, I was graduating high school the year she was born, but no need to do the math!) 

Click to check out the post and respond to the quick question!

I started a great story email about my recent 12 hour walk (and what peeing in the woods taught me about profit — seriously) but that will have to wait as I’m heading out to dinner with Marc shortly.

In the meantime, maybe while you’re doing your holiday shopping, tune in to my recent episode on Kimberly Tara’s “CEO Moms Building Wealth” podcast. Listen in here.

Have a great weekend — and feel free to celebrate my birthday this weekend too!


Don’t write off 2024 yet…

by Belinda Rosenblum

Don’t write off 2024 yet… 

You still have this final month to finish the year strong and get your business finances primed for the new year.

PSA #1: If you wait until December 20th to look at finishing 2024 strong, you WILL feel behind.

PSA #2: If you wait until January to look at 2025 and especially Q1, you WILL feel behind.

Who needs that stress?

Here are the 6 Actions To Take Now To Uplevel Your Profits — in 2024 and into 2025:

The first three actions are directly money related:

  • Know your profit margin – Yes, revenue is an important number, but it isn’t the end-all be-all. You can have wildly high revenue but if your profit margins are low… you won’t be taking much home at the end of the day. 
  • You need a cash flow / profit plan – Without a real Profit Plan your only choice is to make weak “Bank Balance decisions” — those are decisions only based on the moment to moment balance in your bank account. (Or worse, based on your credit card availability before you hit our max — I’ve been there too.)
  • Be willing to invest in your growth – I’m not talking about hiring another team member. I’m talking about investing in YOURSELF as a business owner and CEO. You need to continuously invest to bring your skills to the next level, especially when competing in a crowded marketplace. And CEO money skills are a MUST.

And these next 3 actions are to support you as a more effective CEO:

  • Upgrade your CEO Mindset – Stop running your business like an employee, think bigger, and shift your approach to your business to sustainably grow and scale.
  • Speed up your ability to take action – No more overthinking, procrastinating, and succumbing to distractions. Focused action can become your new norm!
  • Own your value – Have you ever noticed that you resent your clients for what they are paying you for all your effort? Then we need to review and likely raise your rates!

Want to get support to create your real profit plan for 2025?

You can still get in on our upcoming 2025 Profit Boost Workshop live on Dec 10th — and at an early bird price of only $47. (Think of it like a 50% off holiday special from the upcoming $97 cost!)

Get all the details and reserve your spot now for YOUR profit boost next year.

Stop leaving money on the table and start taking new actions today.