are you in the same boat? ⛵

by Belinda Rosenblum

Women in business have been spilling their guts to me all last week, and it’s been eye-opening for sure.  

In summary, it goes like this:

  • You need more cash — a big fat cash infusion in your biz would be helpful to cure that financially tapped out feeling (but sales feel slow or you’re already booked up so how do you make more?)
  • You feel overcommitted and stretched too thin — your schedule is BUSY 
  • You want to work with me, but don’t feel like you can commit to $2k or 3 months

Does that sound about right?

I’ve been hearing your concerns and I’m cooking up something that will address your biggest current growth challenges and show you how to get the money that’s hiding right in plain sight once you know how to better monetize your expertise. 

This is going to give hours back to your week — hours you don’t have to spend hustling.  

(Intrigued?! Good! I want you to take action and grow your revenue…  before Halloween!) 

Stay tuned — I’ll share more soon!


almost forgot this! 🙈

by Belinda Rosenblum

Let’s do some quick math. 

It’ll be fun — I promise.

How quickly can you make back your investment in Cash Flow CEO? 

The total investment is $1,995. (Or you can get started for just $295.)

It’s pretty easy to see how you can not only make back your investment, but get a big return on your investment

(Maybe you already watched Evelyn’s case study here from yesterday of how she already made back over $4200 — yes doubled her investment — in just the first 2 weeks inside the program. Her business was “fine” but she realized things were slowing down and she wanted to make more money and especially more profit.

Or Megan’s case study here of how she doubled her prices and tripled her revenue in just 90 days. They are so inspiring and worth the watch — if they can do it, why can’t you too?)

Here’s how it might look for you…

→ What if you can save on your expenses by $500 a month as a result of what you learn (and are inspired to act on)? 

You’d save $6k a year and get a 3x ROI. 

→ What if you leveraged your offers and went from paying yourself $2k a month to $4k a month in just 90 days? 

You’d get a 2x return on your investment in monthly profit alone… not to mention you’re taking home that extra profit EVERY MONTH! 

→ What if you increased your current $75k annual revenue by 50% over the next year or so — taking you to $112.5K? 

You’d get an 18x return on your investment. 

Even if you only get ONE of these results, joining Cash Flow CEO will be well worth it. 

Our Cash Flow CEOs get results like these across the board, and they keep getting results for years to come.

Here are just a few real-life examples of ROI: 

Donna who got on track to make an extra $27k based on my guidance in her first 2 weeks in the program — plus all the added revenue from raising her prices, the extra $200 per student on her course, and $3k+ more per website she designs. 

Dan & Kathleen who saved thousands in expenses right off the bat by learning how to manage the money they were already making. 

Kathryn who doesn’t stress and guess about money anymore because she has a plan. She can make the best use of her time and make the most money. (ROI = priceless!)

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My DM’s and inbox are overflowing with GREAT questions from  business owners just like you about joining Cash Flow CEO

These are brilliant, successful women who are already making money in their businesses. 

But they’re also overwhelmed.

(I actually just got off an IG Live with current Cash Flow CEO student Evelyn who had been thinking before she joined “I don’t want to sign up for more work. I do want to make more money.” Can you relate? In her first 2 weeks inside, she DID make more money — $4250 to be exact! Watch her inspiring story here.

And they have lots of questions. 

These are REAL conversations I’m having with women who might be a lot like you. 

And I thought I’d share some of what’s on their minds. Maybe you can relate.

Women business owners who are the perfect fit for Cash Flow CEO want to know… 

  • “Can you help me figure out my offers and pricing?? I’m undercharging but scared to raise rates.”
  • “How much can I realistically pay myself, without taking too much out of the business?”
  • “What can I do to handle inconsistent revenue?”
  • “How can I increase my revenue when it feels like everyone is cutting back?”
  • “What do I focus on to make more money without hiring a big team and without getting burned out? I’ve run out of hours to work more…”
  • “How do I finally get my money sh*t together and see real rewards for all my hard work and expertise?
  • “I have an idea for a new group program but need to get it off the ground. Can you help me?

You get the answers to all of these questions and more inside Cash Flow CEO

So, how about you…

[click to continue…]


What do you really think about your boss?

Is she a nightmare?

She expects you to reply to “urgent” client emails at 11:30pm, when you’re supposed to be in bed.

And you definitely feel obligated to leave your Slack notifications on 24/7, and you’ll be sure to check it when your phone pings during family movie night.  

Every time your kid wants to show you something cool they built on Minecraft, you always say, “Not right now. I’m busy.”

This boss has you sprinting from one fire to the next, and for what she pays you, it hardly seems worth it.

You may have guessed the identity of this boundary-pushing boss by now…

Yup, that’s right. It’s you…

You are your own boss, after all.

But why do we often end up being the worst, most demanding boss we’ve ever had?

Because you’ve created what is essentially a JOB for yourself, not a business. 

(And that’s perfectly fine, if that was the intention.) 

But I’ll go out on a limb and guess that you didn’t want to create yet another draining job like the one you likely left behind to start your business. 

You didn’t want to build a business that’s 100% dependent on you — meaning you don’t work, your business doesn’t make money.

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