Do you know you want to make (and take home) more money than last year, but you’re not sure how?

Then join me here — because I’m hosting a special session on creating your profitable business model that will ensure you can make it happen…

Just think about preparing a big Thanksgiving dinner. You don’t just whip up a quick meal for Thanksgiving, you plan for it! 

It’s the same with your business. 

You don’t just hit your goals, you plan for them

But as we wrap up the first half of the year and enter prime goal-resetting season, I want to make sure you’re setting goals with the right business model that will actually move your business forward and get you the results you really want. 

(By “business model,” I mean deciding on the particular offers — these can be courses, memberships, products, services, etc. — and the prices you want to charge for them, so you aren’t just aiming for a general “revenue” number, but you can instead intentionally choose what you want to sell, how many, to who, and for how much. Then you also estimate the expenses you will need to spend money on to achieve that revenue.)

One thing I want to double-check: You’re NOT just setting revenue goals (usually with as much precision as closing your eyes and throwing a dart).

Sure, I want you to hit your highest revenue year yet! That would be amazing, right? 

But I also want you to hit your highest profit year yet, so we need to prioritize planning profits too.

Revenue and profit are not the same thing, and the companies with higher profit margins are the ones who can:

  • Invest when they need to
  • Weather economic storms (like recessions, slow seasons, etc.)
  • Scale their team 
  • Grow their impact
  • Pay the CEO well (yes, you!)

So… are you ready to actually create the business to support your revenue AND profit goals?  [click to continue…]


Have you ever noticed how so many online businesses look like they are out there just killing it? 

They seem like they are breaking income ceilings and hitting all their goals, right?

And here you are, hitting those revenue goals you set (sometimes), yet the profit left on the bottom line doesn’t feel like nearly enough to pay you what you want. 

(I mean, what gives! It can’t need you have to work even harder… can it?)

I know how defeating that feeling is, especially right after tax time last month, and so I wanted to share three ingredients that you NEED to finally turn your profit plan into attainable goals rather than just pipedreams.

  1. Your Offers

Your offers need to be strategic and intentional. They need to solve your target audience’s REAL, validated pain points. 

It’s easy to guess what your ideal client needs, but for your offer to be profitable, you’ll need to dive deeper into what THEY think they need. This is the difference between an offer that gathers dust on your virtual shelf and an offer that is actually profitable.

  1. Your Pricing

I’ll be honest — most of the time, you are undercharging. Your pricing not only needs to reflect the value you provide to your client, but it also needs to be structured in a way that maximizes your profit. (I’ll be talking more about this on Wednesday May 24th – you can still join us.)

And how do you even “price to maximize profit?” It starts with you NEEDING to understand the value you are creating AND your costs/ expenses (especially your time investment) when you are setting your prices. That’s why all revenue is not created equal. Some dollars take a lot more effort than others.

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I was listening to a new podcast this week and was taken aback by how it started. This is what the guest said…

What if you’re listening to this a year later, 2 years, 3 years, or 5 years later… and you still didn’t raise your rates like you need to? You’re still not niching down. You’re still not with the clients you want. 

How are you going to feel then? Realize that that’s going to suck worse than just taking the actions now, getting the clarity you need, and moving yourself forward.

Too often we hold ourselves back because of our fears — fears around failure, success, or what people will think of us, as a start.

But… what if instead of staying afraid of change, we let fear drive us to action.

This guest was on to something…

OK yes you may have guessed it, that guest was me!

This week, I had the pleasure of being on Emily Reagan’s podcast Unicorns Unite: The Freelance Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant Community talking about how to pay yourself better.

As you listen, you’ll realize how much comes down to fear, self-worth and your money mindset — so you can actually raise your prices, better determine the value of your services/ results, and get paid more for all your efforts and expertise.

Listen here

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When you look back at your business / career progress, have you had any mentors that stand out?

Like what you learned from them made a significant impact on your business — and your life?

(And in this case, what a game-changer recurring revenue from a membership is!)

So when you think of those mentors, you smile… so grateful for that person and that you took the time to get the insights you needed to fast-track your business?

One of those pivotal mentors for me was Stu McLaren.

And when he hosts his annual free training, I always tune in. 

Because I continually learn something new to support our business and our students.

Which leads me to some REALLY great news to share with you today.

My mentor Stu is hosting a FREE 3-part workshop starting TODAY called “Turn What You Already Know, Love, And Do Into A Profitable Membership.”

Ready to learn ALL.THE.THINGS about membership success? 

Sign up for Stu’s free training here. 

I want you there because I know what a membership makes possible. 

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