So surgery was on Wednesday and seemed to go as planned.
(If you missed last week’s announcement, I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer… the same day I tested positive for C’VID. Clearly not my best week! Surgery was this past week. Below is an update of how it all went.)
Although I slept through it all (VERY weird to imagine being totally out and literally a small private part of your body taken out), my husband said the doctor debriefed him that she was “pleased with how it went.” Before and after pics:
From my standpoint, I remember the anesthesiologist giving me something via IV to “chill” me out which… knocked me out. Last I recall was starting down the hall to the operating room and thinking to myself, “This would be a good time to think positive thoughts…” Then over and out.
Picked up food on our way home (thank you to all those who sent us gift cards – full initial scoop on surgery and how to help here) and then my husband Marc and I had a few moments of quiet, until first the kids came home with my step-daughter Olivia and then my mom who flew in from California was dropped off by my step-sister Jen.
Now is where it starts to get even more interesting…
Once I finally was awake on Thursday (after 330pm!), I checked in with my Mom. Only trouble is that my mom coughed and it sounded all too familiar…
Yup, my mom did a home test and was C’VID positive.
So now besides making sure I recover, my Mom is quarantined in our house and Marc and I are taking care of her. (I can’t make this up!) Kids are both now sleeping in the basement (while mom is quarantined in our son’s room) and we are trying to make the best of things.
To keep “normalcy” for the kids, we did a combo of chill activities (like beading, a hike, and painting pottery), but I probably overdid it a bit as I headed to bed last night needing another weekend off after the weekend. Know what I mean?
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