“I’m a fraud.”

“I’m an imposter.”

“I’m just not worth it.”

These are the words right out of Donna’s mouth. 

When we first connected, Donna had a “healthy” business as an expert web designer and course creator with multi-six-figures in revenue and a small mighty team.

But on the other hand, she was paying her team more than she took home as the CEO — and she had some mindset challenges that were holding her back from more revenue and more profit. (Which is like many of our Cash Flow CEO students when they start with us.)

“I was working crazy hours and doing all the busy things in my business.”

She thought the answer to her problems was to just figure out her expenses, revenue, and accounting to figure out why she wasn’t able to take more home.

“Sure all those things helped, but the biggest breakthrough was to understand how those mindset things were really holding me back… Belinda realized that I’m under-charging across the board.” 

So together Donna and I worked out a small tweak to her offers to bring in more revenue, and added a quick done-for-you service to meet a need that I believed her audience had. 

I suggested the price of $1,500 for a 2-2.5 hour VIP session with her. 

Her reaction —> I can’t charge that much!” 

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Are you paying yourself enough?

by Belinda Rosenblum

Which is more important to you?

A – Do you want to start getting paid

B – Or do you want to get paid more?

C – Or do you want to get paid more regularly?

D – All of the above!

I just started today’s live talking about this exact issue and I wanted to let you know. 

Plus, what you should and shouldn’t work on during your more limited business time this summer.

Pop on over and join me on Instagram and Facebook now!

On a peer mastermind call recently of $100k+ business owners, this was a HOT topic.

And when I polled my Instagram audience, everyone agreed it was an issue AND the group was clearly split on which was more important!

On the application for Cash Flow CEO, I ask “Do you feel like your revenue and profit reflect who you are as a badass entrepreneur?” 

And from our last cohort, only ONE person was able to answer “Yes” (which means the other 88% said “No”). Which tells me that this is a real problem we need to solve for you.

You don’t want to work to build a business and still feel broke.

But often we would rather see the money accumulate in our business account than take it out.

It can feel “safer” to leave it there. 

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Oooh, I just started my live for today’s final video in this brand-new video series. It’s going to rock your world and possibly even blow your mind…

It’s called:

Your 3 Biggest Blocks To Scaling Past $100k With More Profit + More Energy

You’re coming, right? Click here to tune in now.

If you’re growing fast (and even passing that famous $100k goal) but you are quickly realizing you have so much to learn about the financial dimension of running a business (+ you don’t even know what you don’t know!)…

… or you’ve been doing this a while and feel stuck, plateaued or stalled to get to the multiple six-figures you want faster WITH less working hours, more ease, and more profit (especially so you can take home more and build your team) along the way…

… then you will LOVE today’s session.

We just kicked off the training TODAY and you can watch here (popcorn encouraged!):

On Instagram or On Facebook 

We are coming clean to understand what role your “money blocks” like fear/ worry, scope creep, losing boundaries, and undercharging are having on your bottom line — and give you some better solutions to move through your fears and take confident profitable action. 

This way you can major on the major activities to fuel your growth. (Oh and honestly, these 3 hidden sabotages also suck the energy, joy and fun out of business too!)

This video could be exactly what you need to blow your 2022 goals out of the water — in a great way! 

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I am so excited for today!

by Belinda Rosenblum

It’s here, it’s here! We have officially re-opened the doors to my newly upleveled signature coaching program for experts and coaches: The Cash Flow CEO Accelerator Program

Pssst: The applications we have already received are from incredible smart successful women who are READY to take it to the next level and are READY for me to help guide them do that with ease. 

Over the past few weeks, you’ve been diving deep with me to better understand and manage your business money (and finally know how to project out your revenue, expenses and profits)… 

… so you can pay yourself more money more regularly and continue to grow past $100k revenue with a solid financial foundation and team in place — yes that means scaling with more freedom not less!

You’ve seen that the easiest way to grow and scale your business is to first learn how to USE your business money more effectively to create the right team, impact, revenue, and freedom you’ve always wanted. 

And here’s the best part… it doesn’t end here!

Your growth, your progress, your commitment to upleveling not just to a CEO, but a Cash Flow CEO… is just beginning.

Want more details on applying to join us, just head over to our Application Page and get started today.


PLUS… I just started today’s live all about the 4 blind spots that can cause your $100k+ expert business to fail.

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