Whew — we did it!

It was touch-and-go for a while with Instagram this week (I had to remind myself to breathe a few times when the video replays never posted), yet we still persevered!

(Launching sure requires resilience at a whole new level. Can you relate)

In case you missed joining us live, just click the link or image below to watch each one. (I do suggest you watch all three, although they do stand on their own too if there is a topic that especially excites you.)

$100k Revenue Was Never The Right Goal. $100k Pay To You Is. – this was a heck of a kick off video! I shared some startling statistics — and how not to be one of the stats (even if that is the majority!), 6 mistakes even smart entrepreneurs are making around the money in their business, and the first thing you need to make $100k pay to you a reality.

Avoiding Your Business Money Is Sabotaging The Growth Of Your $100k Expert Business – whether you ignore, neglect, or just don’t prioritize your finances, it’s causing a lot of the frustration you may be feeling right now in your business. I showed you the path from the Cash and Time Strapped Solopreneur to the Confident Cash Flow CEO, and how to figure out what is costing you the big $ so you know where to focus.

Want To Pay Yourself Better? Here’s How To Set The Right Revenue Goals – where I shared IF you should be paying yourself now, why most growing businesses don’t, and how to figure out what you need to earn to pay yourself what you want (plus gave you the handy calculator to do the quick math for you).

These have been so fun to do and even more helpful for those watching, like these comments:

This will make great binge watching this weekend — and be sure to leave a comment under the video with your biggest takeaway or action step you’ll be taking.

Once you watch the “Ready To Pay Yourself Better?” video, download and customize this online ”Pay Yourself” calculator cheat sheet here. It works like *magic* to show you how you can pay yourself now… and even more in the future.

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I’m about to head back on live video in 15 minutes to share why “Avoiding Your Business Money Is Sabotaging The Growth Of Your $100k Expert Business.” 

Sound a little too familiar?

I’ll be talking about what coaches and experts just like you are facing — and how to determine how much it is costing you right now to not prioritize getting a better handle (so you know how urgent it is to fix or not). 

Plus I’ll be sure to share what could be possible for you with the right knowledge on your side. 

(Spoiler: No one is telling you the truth about this — and so we think we can put it off and still grow, but we are making it so much harder on ourselves!)

Tune in today at 12pm ET — best is on Instagram (click my circled picture top left of my profile once I go LIVE)!

In case you missed yesterday… Wow! It was incredible. 

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My startling wake up call

by Belinda Rosenblum

I was about to sit back down at my desk after the kids went to bed to bang out a few more hours of work…

And I woke myself up with a “Belinda, what the heck are you doing?!”

It is so easy as a business owner to work, and work, and work.

Like all the damn time — it can take over our nights, weekends, … even when we are trying to be present for our family and friends and we can still feel a pull to check our phones.

Can you relate?

For many of us, myself included, it is a habit — and not a good one. Almost like an addiction and an identity. (I’m sending this on the weekend so this can be your permission slip to take the day off.)

So you know what I did that night?

I hung out with my husband Marc, watched a little TV, and went to bed! 

The next day, I arose with an entirely new commitment to help high-achieving women like us off the hustle train.

So you can create a NEW way of running your business where you have real financial systems and strategies in place to help you manage your cash flow and have the money in your business work harder *for* you.

Then, and only then, can you sustainably scale your expert / coaching business past 100k annual revenue *without* the 24/7 hustle.

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Question for you: 

Do you ever wonder why it feels so difficult to scale your business? 

Why does it seem like some entrepreneurs are growing constantly and actually ENJOYING it, while you feel like you can barely take on another client without sacrificing your time or sanity? 

Here’s the thing, my friend: 

Building a scalable business beyond 100k revenue per year isn’t just about bringing on more clients + making more revenue. 

Stay with me! If increasing what you’re already doing was just about more revenue and clients… well, you’d have to WORK more, right? 

And you already know much more of that is just not possible (or every day feels like this): 

In fact, I’m willing to bet that adding MORE work wouldn’t even necessarily add more money to your personal bank account. 

It’s probably just adding more stress and resentment toward your business because it’s taking you further away from your family and friends. 

So if only focusing on increasing revenue isn’t going to help you, what do you need to do next…? 

Taking one more marketing course, learning one more sales tactic, or trying one more promotion isn’t solving the real underlying challenge holding you back from… 

>>> Taking home more money.
>>> Having more freedom to do the things you love (in your biz + in your life). 
>>> Helping MORE people without having to feel burnt out and run down. 

Here’s the truth about scaling: 

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