We all need to stop lying

by Belinda Rosenblum

I’m just starting my final live video this week and I don’t want you to miss out on this one.

I’m sharing a story of a belief I had to shift that opened me up to a new revenue stream that has since brought in… wait for it… $1,702,598.74. WOW — yes you want to hear this!

If you have a feeling you might be in your own way, whether because of a limited money mindset or skillset, definitely tune in today. (No judgment at all — it’s time to fix the situation.)

Join us for “Never learned how to handle your business cash flow? You’re not alone.” starting now:



You work too hard to not have your business money work harder for you. It can be a tremendous tool… once you know how to use it effectively.

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You gotta stop this now…

by Belinda Rosenblum

Have you ever tried driving a car with one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake? 

Silly, right (even in cute red heels)? 

Of course it would never work!

But the truth is, many women run their businesses just like this. 

They self-sabotage. Overserve. Slow their own progress down. Don’t trust themselves to make the right money decisions (and often they don’t even have the right information to make informed decisions in the first place).

(And when I say “they”, I’ve learned this from personal experience — and damn has it cost me a lot of money until I figured it out! I’ll even be sharing more on this on Wednesday.)

If you want to feel more SAFE and SECURE in your business and excited about the revenue you’re generating, you need to have a PLAN — not a wish and a prayer to get there.

As a colleague said recently, “If you don’t have a business budget [aka a Profit Plan], what are you even doing in business? It’s no wonder you aren’t reaching your goals!”

The good news? You don’t have to be great at math or love numbers. You’re not too old or too young to handle your money. And you’re definitely in the right place to learn right now how to scale past $100k in with ease and less hustle. 

The best news, I’ll be showing you how to get started this week with Week 2 in our live video series (note this week’s schedule switches to Mon, Wed, Fri):

–> Mon March 21st at 12pm ET: Want to Scale Past $100k With More Profit and Less Coaching Hours? The Answer May Surprise You 

–> Wed March 23rd at 12pm ET: How I Made $165k But Could Only Pay Myself $3k Cash Profit

–> Fri March 25th at 12pm ET: Never Learned How To Handle Your Business Cash Flow? You’re Not Alone. 

Let’s stop wishing/ hoping/ praying and start PLANNING…

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Whew — we did it!

So many firsts this week… 

* First time I kicked off a 9 video series — ever!
* First time I went “all in” to speak to the coaches and experts in our audience on track for $100k+
* First time I shared my “Pay Yourself” formula and gave my “Pay Yourself” calculator out publicly!

In case you missed joining us live, just click the link below to watch each one. (I do suggest you watch all three, although they do stand on their own too if there is a topic that especially excites you.)

The Most Important Strategy Coaches Need To Grow Past $10k Months 

Why Not Understanding Money Is Leaving Coaches Under-Paid and Frustrated 

Ready To Pay Yourself Better? Here’s What You Want Your Revenue To Be

These have been so fun to do and even more helpful for those watching, like Debbie and Lindsay who shared:

This will make great binge watching this weekend — and be sure to leave a comment under the video with your biggest takeaway or action step you’ll be taking.

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I’m about to head back on live video to share “Why Not Understanding Money Is Leaving Coaches Under-Paid and Frustrated.” 

Sound a little too familiar?

I’ll be talking about what coaches and experts just like you are facing — and what could be on the other side with the right knowledge on your side.

Tune in today at 12pm ET — best is on Instagram (click my circled picture top left of my profile once I go LIVE)!

In case you missed yesterday… Wow! It was incredible. 

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