Demystify your business money to make better decisions — and escape the emotional roller coaster based on how much money is in your bank account.
End any shame and avoidance surrounding your money
Use the new “Pay Yourself Calculator” to work out exactly what you can pay yourself now — and how you can DOUBLE your personal paycheck in less than 30 days.
Not only will you walk away knowing more about money management than most entrepreneurs, you’ll be able to use that knowledge to actually put more money into your pocket!
I’m really lucky to have my husband be my partner in business and in life.
One of the many things he is good at — sometimes a little too good at — reminding me when I’m doing tasks below my “pay grade”.
As the CEO and visionary for our business, there are many things that I know are going on in the background, and trust our team to handle.
It definitely hasn’t always been like this…
And Marc still occasionally needs to remind me to keep my focus on high-level tasks rather than my default, which often takes me “in the weeds.”
I’m convinced that everyone needs a Marc for their business (LOL — sorry this one’s mine). But the best alternative is creating real processes for your business.
We learned from the best, James Wedmore.
Every business is different, so if you try to replicate someone else’s processes or steps to success without aligning it with your own desires — it’s never going to work.
Ready to pay yourself better? Click here
to download your free guide and training.
This is the gentle kick-in-the-pants you have been looking for, with the step-by-step plan that makes it easy to know what to do to turn your net worth—and self-worth—around once and for all. Click Here to Learn More...