Even if you aren’t motivated by money, your business is.
James Wedmore says that — and it’s something I repeat to my Cash Flow CEO students.
I want you to think about that quote because most of us didn’t start our businesses only for the money…
We created businesses to create a positive impact, teach others things we’ve struggled with ourselves, and because we simply have a passion for what we do.
We wanted freedom and flexibility.
We wanted control over our own financial destiny.
Here’s the thing… your business needs to run off the money it brings in.
Your business is not a non-profit and you’re not a volunteer.
You have bills to pay (and hey – you want to be paid as much as you can for all that effort too right?).
The good news is that the more money you make, it really represents the more money you are earning from the people you are serving.
And that’s where I come in. I’m here to support you — the leader of your business — to make the best aligned decisions based on how you want to make money (i.e. your business model), the income you want to make, and your own lifestyle goals.
Ready to pay yourself better? Click here
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This is the gentle kick-in-the-pants you have been looking for, with the step-by-step plan that makes it easy to know what to do to turn your net worth—and self-worth—around once and for all. Click Here to Learn More...