Sometimes, I still get surprised at how much of an impact small actions can make.
And this is in any area of life.
Could be the small action of adding exercise or a gratitude practice every day, or saving $100 every month for retirement.
Compounding is a beautiful thing.
(The book The Compound Effect changed my life!)
Knowledge is like that too.
I created the Cash Flow CEO system to empower entrepreneurs who are so skillful and know in their hearts that they can create an impact in the world…
… but even though they are “making” good money (revenue), they aren’t very comfortable with the financial side of business and want to be able to take home more for themselves (profit).
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Have you ever thought about ‘self-made’ people?
It’s like a superhero’s origin story… They were an underdog then worked hard and became successful.
Except that’s not what happens in the non-superhero world.
Even for the stories we see constantly as inspiration…
Like Oprah Winfrey or JK Rowling — both overcame tons of adversity no doubt, but they didn’t reach success in a vacuum. They had help. It’s just not part of the well-publicized stories.
When I first left corporate, I knew very little about starting a business.
And what I knew was how to be an over-achieving employee.
(Spoiler: In a lot of ways, that approach is the opposite of what you need to be a successful CEO.)
I needed help.
So I hired a coach — who helped me make a plan to make money with my new “Own Your Money” passion.
It wasn’t easy to ask, especially as a super independent woman, and I felt really vulnerable.
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Why are you special? What makes you stand out? Why would someone buy from you?
All these questions ran through my head this week. Why you may ask…
Well I joined the newest audio-based social media app, Clubhouse.
— > If you’re on it too, let’s connect. Add my name to the search and then click “Follow”. Here’s my profile –>
Between writing (and rewriting) my own bio and scrolling through others’ bios, I kept coming back to these same questions.
* Why are you special?
* What makes you stand out?
* Why would someone buy from you?
There are so many coaches and service providers out there, it’s easy to fall into the trap of self-doubt and feel like you’re not as good as all of these “pros”.
Here’s how I answer those initial questions…
I’m a money strategist and coach that has worked with individuals and businesses for nearly 14 years helping them own their value and manage their money like a boss.
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This year, I want you to knock it out of the park!
And I’m talking about your sales (and profit) goals (even if it’s too early for baseball season)!
Sound good?
Now that the chaos of making New Year’s Resolutions has died down, answer me this…
Have you finalized your plan for revenue this year?
(Important note: You need to start (but not end) with revenue — because you do need to make sure your plan goes all the way to your planned profit too. More on that coming soon. For now, let’s start at the top of your financial statement — the “Profit and Loss” or “Income Statement”.)
If you answered no to your finished revenue plan, that’s totally fine (for now). But it is important, so let’s get it started…
Now you’ve probably heard the advice to “niche down.” Because we all know we cannot serve everybody.
(Hint: When you try to serve everybody, no one really feels like you are “for them.” So basically in an effort to serve everybody, you speak to nobody.)
But you’ve likely also heard that you should have “multiple revenue streams”.
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