Haven’t reserved your seat for The Profit Formula Masterclass tonight? We kick off in just a few hours!
It’s completely free to join and you can join hundreds of other business owners who are focused on finally paying themselves and spending less time working…and you deserve that too!
I’m going live at 8pm ET TONIGHT (Sunday, October 11) to help you grow a profitable and aligned business with these 3 behind-the-scenes secrets the most successful business owners use.
After all, aren’t you ready to work less while supporting your dream life this year and beyond?
Just in the first 10 minutes, I’ll take you through an exercise to help you identify exactly what is holding YOU back from becoming the CEO your business and clients need you to be. Prepare to be WOW’ed.
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After 2 years of business, and living off my savings and temp jobs…
(Not only was it embarrassing and frustrating, it wasn’t sustainable.)
…I HAD to figure out how to make more profit from my business.
Or my business would have failed, before it really ever got off the ground. Here’s my first professional headshot (taken in a friend’s basement), circa 2007 for my 1st year in business. (It’s ok to laugh, I’ve aged well!)
Profit isn’t likely all that motivates you as an entrepreneur (because it’s really about what the profit makes possible), but profit IS literally what allows us to stay in business.
And by not having your profit figured out, you’re setting yourself up for long nights working, stressing over bills, draining your savings, and even eventually having to get a J.O.B. Ugh… You and I both don’t want that for you even one more day.
(It’s like every month you turn around and wonder… “Am I doing well? Where did all the money go? Can I pay myself this month?” Let’s end this money confusion with my free profit masterclass.)
No matter which stage of business you are in, profit is one of the greatest contributors to your business’s success. It funds your growth — and your personal life.
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If you’re like most growing and scaling entrepreneurs I talk to, then chances are you’re feeling a bit… disillusioned.
You’re making the revenue but after everyone else gets paid, there doesn’t seem to be nearly as much left for you as you want (and need).
You thought this was going to be it…
…You have a business, you’re booking clients… and you may even be at 3K, 5K, or 10K+ revenue most months.
By now, you thought you’d be able to work less, have more fun, and have more MONEY to keep!
I can feel you nodding your head.
[If you know you’re ready for a better way, we start our new free WORK LESS + PROFIT MORE Challenge tomorrow! Just click here to confirm your spot.]
I get it. Someone recently told me that now that they’re making six figures, they’ve never felt more broke… and they can’t even imagine scaling PAST here, because it’ll just mean more work! ughhh
They’re making six figures, but still living that solopreneur life. And guess what? I’ve been there, too.
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I want you to say ENOUGH!
* Enough of paying yourself in the “feast” months and not in the “faminine” months.
[I went live to address this very issue — Watch Below!]
* Enough of the stress and worry around money. (You work WAY too hard for this.)
* Enough of the hours and hours working harder — and the guilt that usually comes with it — without much to show for it.
You deserve better!
You deserve to get paid!
You deserve to create more impact based on all your talents and expertise!
We are going to make this happen together.
This will be an ALL-NEW LIVE VIRTUAL EVENT starting October 5th called…
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