Yes, YOU are a success!

by Belinda Rosenblum

What does success mean to you?

Not just in your business but as a person.

And not what everyone else wants…

What do you want? 

Better yet, who do you want to be?

Until you get honest about your definition of success, you’ll constantly chase goals you don’t even care about. (Hello, burnout my old friend.)

Besides, how will you know when you’ve “gotten there” if you don’t even know where you’re going?

I’ve really been doing a lot of deep work to redefine this for myself…

I started sharing what success means to me in this super quick video, plus giving you some ideas of how to figure it out for yourself.

I shared what success means to me in this super quick video, plus giving you some ideas of how to figure it out for yourself.

And I’d love it if you’d let me know how you define success… leave a quick comment on the video.


It’s unavoidable no matter how much you try to hide away…

And it’s only going to get more intense in the coming months.

Yes, I’m talking about the U.S. Presidential campaign and election, and it will affect your business — whether you realize it or not.

While many things are out of your control, standing by and hoping for the best is *not* a sound strategy.

There are 5 ways it *will* affect your business — and 6 things you can do (and what not to do) to prepare yourself and your business right now.

>> I’m spilling the details in this video 

Don’t worry — I’m not talking about politics. 

But I am talking about the reality of being a business owner (and a human) in 2024.

Watch the video and join the conversation here.


Are you the breadwinner?

by Belinda Rosenblum

Last time, I shared how the “mom stories” you tell yourself can limit your business growth. 

We don’t talk enough about the expectations and pressures of being a parent and a business owner. 

And there’s something else we don’t talk about nearly enough either…

The breadwinner burden.

A breadwinner is “a member of a family whose wages supply the family’s principal or only means of support.” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Are you the breadwinner in your household?

If so, this message is for you…

Being responsible for keeping a roof over your family’s (or your) head, putting food on the table, and keeping the lights on puts a lot of pressure on your shoulders.  

And as a business owner, your revenue isn’t always steady. (Funny thing is, the bills always arrive right on time!) This unpredictability adds even more stress.

You might feel as if everything falls on you and the success of your business. And you might be afraid of losing it all. 

That’s why I call this the “breadwinner’s burden.” And it can be heavy.

When you’re under this type of pressure, you tend to make fear- and scarcity-based business decisions. And that’s never a good thing. 

So, how do you deal with the pressure in a productive way?

I’m sharing my 3-step plan to ease the breadwinner’s burden in this quick video.

If you’re the breadwinner, what strategy have you used to deal with the pressure?

Be sure to leave a comment on the video or below!


What’s the real reason you aren’t making the kind of money you want in your business?

Yes, we’re going there today.

But first, here’s a quick recap of the Profitable CEO Summer Series:

Step 1: Set your personal & biz goals
Step 2: Map out a strategic sales plan to meet your goals
Step 3: Prioritize profit 

Today, we’re going beyond strategy to switch gears and talk about the NUMBER ONE thing still keeping you from making more money in your business…

Your money story.

(And if you’re not making the money you want to make, I’m guessing your money story may be a real doozy like mine was.)

So, what is your money story?

It’s the culmination of everything you saw, heard, or did around money from childhood to now.

As a kid, you were a SPONGE absorbing tons of input. And your mind used all of that input to create a story about money — including the “rules” about money, how to make it & spend it, what it means to have a little or a lot, and what’s possible for you. 

This “writing” happened subconsciously over DECADES of your life, grounded in what I call “pivotal money moments.” 

So, the impact your money story has on your business and life is *not* always obvious.